
Regional Information System on Water and Land Resources in the Aral Sea Basin (CAWater-IS)

The Aral Sea basin

Database of the Aral Sea

Location, geomorphology, landscape, climate

Water resources

Formation of the surface flow

Surface water resources quality

Lakes and depressions

Groundwater: reserves and use

Waste and drainage water

Dams and hydropower


Irrigated lands

Salinization and drainage

The Aral Sea basin in figures

Hystory of the Aral Sea


The Aral Sea and South Prearalie

Degradation of the Aral Sea and South Prearalie

Hystorical maps

Database of the Amudarya river basin

Amudarya River basin morphology

Water resources

Water management infrastructure

Reservoirs and flow regulation

Water demands

Water losses along the river

Database of the Syrdarya river basin

Syrdarya River basin morphology

Water resources

Water management infrastructure

Database of the Zeravshan river basin

Water resources

Database of the Karadarya river basin

Water resources

Database of the Chirchik river basin

Water resources

Database of the Surkhandarya river basin

Climate conditions

Basin hydrology

Water management infrastructure

Database of the Kashkadarya river basin

Basin hydrology

Water management infrastructure

Water resources of Afghanistan

Rivers of Afghanistan: database

Water and Environmental Complex of Central Asia

Indicators of Sustainable Development for the Aral Sea basin

Facts at a Glance: Aral Sea basin states

Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Tajikistan


Republic of Uzbekistan

Islamic State of Afghanistan

Knowledge base

Hierarchical Classification System of the Knowledge Base

1. Water Resources

2. Water Resources Use

3. Agriculture

4. Land Reclamation

5. Land Degradation and Desertification

6. Hydroecology

7. Climate Change

8. Water Governance and Management

9. Water Law and Policy

10. Economic and Financial Aspects

11. Water and Education

12. Water and Ethics

13. Decision Support System

14. Sustainable Development, Green Growth, and Security

15. Gender and Gender Policy

16. Energy

Electronic Library

Declarations and Statements of the Heads of Central Asian States

Intergovernmental Agreements of Central Asia States

Multilateral Agreements at the Global and Regional Levels

Advisory Documents and Guidelines

UN GA Resolutions

Agreements on Transboundary Water Protection and Use

Bilateral Environmental Agreements

Constitutions of Central Asian states

National Water Legislation

National Land Legislation

Environmental laws of Central Asian and Caucasus states

Azerbaijan Republic

Republic of Armenia


Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Tajikistan

Republic of Uzbekistan

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Gender Equity

Official Documents of IFAS, ICWC and ICSD

EC IFAS publications

ICWC Bulletins

SIC ICWC Policy briefs

Publications of Training Center ICWC

ICSD publications

GWP CACENA publucations

ICID Declarations

World Water Fora






CAREWIB Project's publications

Publications of the IWRM-Fergana Project

Historical Documents, Books, Monographs, Papers

Strategies and Concepts

Historical Maps

Water Yearbook: Central Asia and around the Globe

New publications

Central Asian newspapers and magazines

Republic of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic

Republic of Tajikistan


Republic of Uzbekistan

Clean Water Space

Knowledge Base “Water and Land Resources Use in the Aral Sea Basin”

Knowledge Base “Integrated Water Resources Management: Central Asian Experience”

Knowledge Base “International and National Water Law”

Knowledge Base “Land Law”

Knowledge Base “Waterworks Safety”

Knowledge Base “Gender and Water”

Knowledge Base on Afghanistan

Knowledge Base on Amudarya river basin



Basin agreements

Knowledge Base on Syrdarya river basin



Basin agreements

Knowledge Base on Zeravshan river basin


Knowledge Base on Chirchik river basin


Knowledge Base on Surkhandarya river basin

Basin agreements

Knowledge Base on Kashkadarya river basin

Basin agreements


Glossary “Water Management”

Glossary “Gender and Water”

