Regional models

ASBmm - the Aral Sea basin management model
ASBmm, the Aral Sea basin management model, is developed in such a way so that to make the analysis of basin’s water resources and problems for the future a simple and visual process; the package gives a comprehensive view on present and future conditions in the Aral Sea basin; considers socio-economic, environmental and climatic aspects; builds alternative basin development scenarios and water resources management strategies.
User's Manual (pdf, 1160 kB)
Programmer's Manual (pdf, 1077 kB)

BEAM - Aral Sea Basin Economic Allocation Model
An economic model for water use in transboundary river basins customized for the Aral Sea Basin. The purpose of the BEAM model is to explore the impact of changes to water allocation and investments in water management infrastructure on the overall welfare of the Aral Sea basin.
The model addresses the Aral Sea Basin as a whole – that is, the rivers Syrdarya and Amudarya, including Kashkhadarya and Zerafshan, and the Aral Sea. The model representation includes water resources, including 14 river sections, 6 lakes, 28 reservoirs and 19 catchment runoff nodes, as well as land resources (i.e. irrigation). The model covers 5 sectors: agriculture (crops: wheat, cotton, alfalfa, rice, fruit, vegetables and others), hydropower, nature, households and industry. The focus of the model is on welfare impacts associated with changes to water use in the agriculture and hydropower sectors.
User's Manual (pdf, 1821 kB)
Programmer's Manual (pdf, 719 kB)
Glossary (pdf, 210 kB)
Models solving sample problems

Model of reservoir's waterworks facility with hydroelectric power station
The model for estimation of HPS's performance on a large reservoir's waterworks facilities (inflow, releases, escapages on HPS, electricity production). The calculation algorithm of HPS's characteristics, including releases, idle spills, reservoir's storage volume dynamics, electricity production by HPS, is used in this model.

Model of the river section water balance for the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers
The model of rivers' section water balance for the Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers is based on the balance non-dynamic schemes of water allocation on the sections of major rivers in the Amudarya and Syrdarya river basins, according to which the calculation is carried out sequentially downstream for ten-days period, taking into account all the main items of the river channel water balance (inflow from the upper section, lateral inflow to the section, water withdrawal, return flow to the section - a collector-drainage flow, releases from canals, water losses, releases into lakes, water delivery to downstream sections).
Regional Tools

WUEMoCA - Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia
WUEMoCA is a tool which visualizes information on irrigated areas within the contours (oblast, rayon) and yield results of the major crops (cotton, rice, wheat, vegetables, and fruits) based on accessible remote sensing (MODIS 250 m) and meteorological data.
Brochure “Informed Decision-Making in Land and Water Resources Management” (pdf, 6236 kB)
WUEMoCA leaflet (pdf, 4461 kB)

Interactive resource, which accumulates the information on best practices in the use of water, land, and energy, as well as environment in Central Asia (mirror)