
In progress

Regional Mechanisms for a Low-Carbon and Climate-Resilient Transformation of the Energy-Water-Land Nexus in Central Asia

The Project aims to address the challenges of the interdependence between energy, water and land use, the so-called nexus, that are exacerbated by climate change, in Central Asia.

Through the Project, economic and financial analytical work at regional and national level will be enhanced and nexus-relevant financing opportunities will be explored and identified. The Project will demonstrate the “business case” for co-operation on the nexus, enhance capacity needed for operationalising the nexus approach, and create political momentum for action.


PyWR model development and testing in the Chirchik River basin

PyWR model development and testing in the Chirchik River basin under the Nexus Gains Initiative of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR)

This Initiative aims to realize gains across water, energy, food, and ecosystems in selected transboundary river basins, by developing research and capacity to strengthen systems thinking, and providing tools, guidelines, training, and facilitation for analysis and research for development.

Transboundary water management adaptation in the Amudarya basin to climate change uncertainties

Goal: to build adaptive capacity of the countries sharing the Amudarya basin to manage effectively their transboundary waters under climate change climate changeand other uncertainties.

Assessing Land Value Changes and developing a Discussion-Support-Tool for Improved Land Use Planning in the Irrigated Lowlands of Central Asia (LaVaCCA)

Goal: Investigation of the development of land use change and production dynamics of the irrigated cropland in the lowlands of the Aral Sea Basin

Central Asia Regional Water Information Base Project (CAREWIB)

Central Asia Regional Water Information Base Project (CAREWIB) aims at the improvement of information provision in water and environmental sectors in Central Asian countries in order to promote transparency openness and foster public support for rational natural resources use.

The Network of EECCA Water Management Organisations

The web site is created for an exchange of opinions, experience, the information on the most different aspects of water economic activities and is based on professional unity and mutual understanding.

Regional Research Network “Water in Central Asia” (CAWa)    projects/cawa

The CAWa project intends to contribute to a sound scientific and a reliable regional data basis for the development of sustainable water management strategies in Central Asia.

Transboundary Water Management in Central Asia Programme    projects/twmp_ca

Objective (1) The expertise and management capacities of the regional water management institutions, such as the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea (IFAS), are enhanced. (2) For selected cross-border rivers, the institutional capacities of the river basin organisations for watercourse management are improved. (3) Water users and local and national administrations possess the necessary knowledge and capabilities to help achieve integrated water management.

Green Growth

Green growth means fostering economic growth and development, while ensuring that natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies.

Integrated Water Resources Management in Fergana Valley

The web site is dedicated to the outreach of integrated water resources management in Central Asia based on the case study of one of the major projects in the region in this field “IWRM-Fergana”.

UCC-Water: Speedup of the IWRM-2005 Objectives Implementation in Central Asia

The web site of the sub-regional program “Speedup of IWRM-2005 Objectives Implementation in Central Asia”.

Rural Enterprise Support Project (Phase II) - Swiss Government Parallel Grant Financing for Sub-components 2b and 2c

The project objective is to increase the productivity and financial and environmental stability of agriculture and the profitability of water users in the project areas. As such it contributes to the further development of private farming, more secure livelihoods, increased environmental stability, greater social harmony, and to improved effectiveness of water resources management.

RIVERTWIN — A Regional Model for Integrated Water Management in Twinned River Basins

The project objective is to develop an integrated regional model for strategic planning of water resources management (WRM) in twinned river. Three river basins were selected for modeling in different regions (the Neckar river, the Oueme river, and the Chirchik river in Germany, Benin, and Central Asia, respectively).

TWINBASIN — Promoting Twinning of River Basins for Developing Integrated Water Resources Management Practices

The main objective is to promote capacity building of river basin organisations, to improve their expertise, and to help them, through twinning, to overcome water management problems mainly by:
- Promoting a friendly cooperation between water managers
- Tightening ties among basin organisations
- Improving communication between the basins participating in the twinning
- Encouraging exchange of expertise, knowledge and technical personnel
- Strengthening effectiveness of integrated water management within organisations
- Improving, overall, the functioning of these institutions

Water Productivity Improvement at Plot Level Project

The objective of the Water Productivity Improvement at Plot Level project is to strengthen the capacity (in terms of knowledge, extension material and methods) of the differ-ent actors in the agricultural innovation system through strategic alliances for conveying solid and adapted extension messages relating to water productivity improvement at plot level to the farmers.

Ferghana Valley Canal Automation Project

The project aims to improve the operation of the irrigation system and ensure efficient water allocation. It also aims at finding a balance and smoothening out the water flow fluctuations originated by the operation of the upstream Toktogul Power Cascade and Uch-Kurgan main waterworks.

Water Quality in Central Asia

The objective of the project is to contribute to the development of efficient and coordinated national policies with regard to water-quality aspects of integrated water resources management in Central Asia.

Dialogue on Water and Climate: Aral Sea Basin Case Study

Results on research on the impact of climate change on water resources in the Aral Sea basin.

ADB RETA 6163: Improvement of Shared Water Resources Management in Central Asia

The overall goal of the Asian Development Bank Regional Technical Assistance “Improvement of Shared Water Resources Management in Central Asia” (RETA 6163) is to achieve sustainable and efficient water management in the region. The purpose of the TA is to help the CARs strengthen their cooperation in the management of shared water resources in the Aral Sea Basin and other transboundary basins.

The Information-Consulting Center on the European Commission 7th Framework Program in Central Asia

The Information-Consulting Center (ICC) on European Commission Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) has to promote and develop long-term international collaboration between European and Central Asian research groups.

GWANET — Gender and Water in Central Asia

Network “GWANET — Gender and Water in Central Asia”: improves gender awareness among the water sector stakeholders at regional, national and local levels, and strengthen their capacity in incorporating gender issues into the decision-making process.

Cooperative Program for Capacity Building for Integrated Water Resources Planning and Management for Central Asia

The project objective is to increase the level of professional knowledge of water specialists in Central Asia, contributes to cooperation among the riparian countries in the field of water use and management and elaboration of common approaches at the level of water specialists and decision makers.

Regional coordination and support for the European Union – Central Asia enhanced regional cooperation on Environment and Water (WECOOP)

The purpose of the project is to support the development, effectiveness and visibility of the Environment and Water Cooperation Platform aiming at facilitating enhanced regional cooperation both between the EU and Central Asia and within Central Asia, through support to regular high-level meetings and joint expert working groups or other ad-hoc events, and through support to the strengthening of regional institutions responsible for environment and water issues.

Stakeholders’ partnerships in collaborative policymaking: Fostering transboundary cooperation on small watersheds in Central Asia

Goal: Introduction of Integrated Water Resources Management practices in three small transboundary watersheds and their dissemination in Central Asia — Aspara (Kazakhstan-Kyrgyzstan), Isfara (Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), Ugam (Kazakhstan-Uzbekistan).

Identification of Future Water Needs in the CA Countries and Development of Optimization Simulation Models for Efficient Utilization of River Potential in the Aral Sea Basin

Project objective: Identifying the water needs in the CA countries by 2030 and assessing the agricultural and industrial production growth through efficient water use.

Research on More Precise Definition of the Components of the River Water Balance of the Amu Darya and its Main Tributaries and Development of XLSX Routine

Project objective: Carrying out research, developing and testing the routine for calculation of components of water balance of the Amu Darya River and reservoirs in the reaches from Kelif g/s – Bir-Ata g/s, Bir-Ata g/s – Tuyamuyun g/s (Tuyamuyn reservoir), Tuyamuyun g/s – Kipchak g/s, Kipchak g/s – Samanbay g/s.

Development of E-rules of Intra-annual Flow Regulation in the Amu Darya River Basin

Project objective: Developing e-rules of intra-annual flow regulation in the Amu Darya River basin

Development and Adoption of a Water Use Plan and Organization of Water Accounting to Control the Actual Distribution of Water

Project objectives:

  1. Organizing efficient water use in the agricultural Cluster
    • draw the layout of irrigation canals, with indication of distributing points, key intake points, and outlets to each irrigation plot, household plots and other water users;
    • draft and fulfill daily water use plan for irrigation plots along the demonstration canal;
    • train the Cluster’s staff in making ten-day and daily water use plans.
  2. Arranging regular water accounting, monitoring, assessment and on-the-fly adjustment depending on water-related situation in the region;
  3. Developing a computer routine for water use planning;
  4. Analyzing and identifying challenges before planning and fulfillment of water use plans.

“Uzbekistan Water Security Outlook 2020” on the example of Navoiy, Samarkand and Khorezm provinces

Project objective: Preparing the Uzbekistan Water Security Outlook on example of Navoiy, Samarkand and Khorezm provinces