Experts and Partners
Scientific-Information Center ICSD

The Scientific-Information Center of the Interstate Commission for Sustainable Development (SIC ICSD) is charged with the following functions:
- collect, process, and generalize data and scientific information about environmental and socio-economic conditions in the Aral Sea basin;
- create a common scientific information base and databank on environmental protection and rational nature management in the Aral Sea basin;
- prepare recommendations in support of research, environmental, and socio-economic cooperation with the ultimate aim to address relevant challenges in the Aral Sea region;
- support issue of a bulletin and provision of national entities with information on scientific and technological advancements and best practices;
- elaborate a concept and program for the unified environmental monitoring system in the Aral Sea basin;
- develop the common methodological base for environmental and economic assessments of natural resources and nature management projects in the Aral Sea basin;
- develop basic environmental principles, indicators, and criteria for adoption by the Central Asian states and their incorporation into relevant legislative acts.
Renders assistance in the development of the Platform, formulation and implementation of the research program, particularly in part of the regional program for environmental conservation in Central Asia.
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