International Experts Database is designed to support prospective multidisciplinary research on water security and sustainable development in Eastern Europe, Caucasus, and Central Asia.
The Database:
For those who search for expert support
If you are looking for expertise for your multidisciplinary research programs or projects, please, search the database. You can contact experts directly or apply to the Platform’s Secretariat or national coordinators for help.
For experts
If you have suitable experience, skills and knowledge and the desire to take part in multidisciplinary research on water security and sustainable development, please, submit your application for inclusion into the database and presentation of your experience to interested organizations. Experts will be invited as consultants to short-term assignments.
Areas of Expertise
IWRM; irrigation and drainage (including their operation); water conservation; water supply and sanitation; operation and safety of hydraulic structures; water supply, disposal and distribution management; maintenance and operation of water facilities.
soil science; land degradation; desertification; pastures; land productivity
agroecology; agronomy; land reclamation; crop production; plant protection; seed growing; farming; agricultural mechanization and automation; precise agriculture; agricultural innovations; livestock breeding; fish farming; yield programming
sustainable development; green growth and security; hydroecology; ecosystem protection and restoration, including biodiversity conservation; environmental flows
hydropower; renewables; energy security; organic fuel; nuclear power
water law; land law; environmental law; international law; geopolitics
water pricing; fees for water delivery services; charges for pollution; state financing of the water sector; investments in the water sector; financial and economic mechanisms of IWRM
water-environmental education; skills upgrading and training
gender mainstreaming in natural resource management/use and agriculture
water, sanitary and hygiene; water safety and quality; environmental impact on health under emergencies
metrology; hydrology; meteorology
legal regulation of water and energy relations; water diplomacy; interstate water disputes and settlement tools
production; storage and processing of basic foodstuff; social development of rural area
floods; earthquake; landslides and mudflows; avalanche; storms; droughts; prevention of humanitarian catastrophe
surface water; groundwater; international law of transboundary water; institutional mechanisms; institutions (basin commissions)
long-term and strategic planning; SWOT-analysis; development programs and strategies; modeling
water management adaptation to climate change; modeling and building climate scenarios; glacier degradation
information and knowledge management; decision support systems; information systems; databases; knowledge bases; tools and models; geographic information systems; information exchange