Cooperation on international watercourses


Karim S. - Transboundary Water Cooperation between Bangladesh and India in the Ganges River Basin: Exploring a Benefit-sharing Approach (2020) 

Thakur J. - India-Bangladesh Trans-Boundary River Management: Understanding the Tipaimukh Dam Controversy (2020) 

Rakhecha P.R. - Management of water resources in India (2019) 

India Water Resources Profile Overview (2021) 

Contested Waters: India's Transboundary River Water Disputes in South Asia (2020) 

Indian transboundary water conflicts (2019) 

Iyer R.R. - Neighborhood Tensions India’s Trans Boundary Water Relations (2023) 

Biswas A.K. - Cooperation or conflict in transboundary water management: case study of South Asia (2011) 

Xie Lei, Jia Shaofeng - Diplomatic water cooperation: the case of Sino-India dispute over Brahmaputra (2017) 

Aktar F. - Water Diplomacy and Water sharing problem between Bangladesh and India: a Quest for Solution (2021) 


Amiraslani F., Dragovich D. - Iran’s Regional Transnational Water Partnerships: Unclear Rules, Unstable Partnerships, and an Unsettled Future (2023) 

Najafi A., Vatanfada J. - Transboundary Water Management Improvements, the Way Forward in the Middle East; Case Study: Transboundary Water Management of Iran and Neighbors (2013) 

Aman F. - Water Dispute Escalating between Iran and Afghanistan (2016) 

Kilic S. - Iran-Iraq Transboundary Water Relations and Turkey (2018) 

Mottaghi A., Ghalehteimouri K.J., Ghareh-Beygi M. - Water resources management scenarios and transboundary hydro-political concerns in Iran’s eastern border areas (2023) 

Zarei M. - The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: a Holistic Approach for Resource Security in IRAN, IRAQ, and Turkey (2020) 

Omrani A. - Water Management in Iran (2013) 


Haapala J., Keskinen M. - Exploring 100 Years of Finnish Transboundary Water Interactions With Russia: An Historical Analysis of Diplomacy and Cooperation (2022) 

Kinnunen K. Finnish Transboundary Cooperation (2012) 

Honkonen T., Lipponen A. - Finland’s cooperation in managing transboundary waters and the UNECE Principles for Effective Joint Bodies: Value for water diplomacy? (2018) 

Finnish Water Way: International Water Strategy Finland (2018) 

Finnish Water Best Practices (2012) 

Keto A., Makinen H. - Governance of water management in Finland (2019) 

Water Services in Finland: Competition for Non-Core Operations – Not for Monopolies / P.E. Pietila, J.J. Hukka, T.S. Katko, O.T. Seppala (2004) 

Water Resources Management Strategy of Finland 2030 (2022) 

Evaluation water as an entry point for peace mediation (2021) 


Cakmak E. - Water conflict between Turkey, Syria and Iraq (2001) 

Cassiano A. - Turkey-Armenia water cooperation (2021) 

Cooperation on Turkey's Transboundary Waters / A. Kibaroglu, A. Klaphake, A. Kramer, W. Scheumann, A. Carius (2005) 

Dispute over Water Resource Management — Iraq and Turkey / S.W. Al-Muqdadi, M.F. Omer, R. Abo, A. Naghshineh (2016) 

Kibaroglu A. - Transboundary Water Governance in the Euphrates Tigris River Basin (2015) 

Kibaroglu A., Baskan A. - Turkey’s Water Policy Framework (2023) 

Mnory M.N. - Water Conflict Between Syria and Turkey (2017) 

The Situation of Water Resources and Agricultural Irrigation in Turkey / D.L. Koc, B. Kapur, M. Unlu, R. Kanber (2022) 

Turkey’s Water Security Policy: Energy, Agriculture, and Transboundary Issues (2023) 

Water management in Turkey and in Istanbul (2015) 

Water: A source of conflict of coopeariton in the Middle East? (2004) 

Williams P. - Turkey’s Water Diplomacy: A Theoretical Discussion (2011) 

Yakar F. - Turkey’s transboundary water policy: dominance of the realist paradigm? (2013) 

Selected bibliography


Adapting national and trans-boundary water resource management in Swaziland to manage the expected impacts of climate change (2012) 

Abdenur A., Ferguson B., Szabo de Carvalho I., Risso M., Muggah R. - Environmental Crime in the Amazon Basin: A Typology for Research, Policy and Action (2020) 

Calhman O., da Hora M. The Amazon Basin in the Context of Shared Management of Transboundary Water Resources (2017)  

Cascao A.E. - Use of ambiguity in trans-boundary river basins negotiations: the case of the Nile river basin (2008) 

Integrated Transboundary River Basin Management for the Sustainable Development of the Limpopo River Basin (2019) 

Medinilla A. - African river basin organisations: from best practice to best fit (2018) 

Management of transboundary water resources in the Danube and the Sava River Basins (2019) 

Muigua K. - Managing Transboundary Natural Resources in Kenya (2018) 

Shrestha A., Ghate R. - Transboundary water governance in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region: Beyond the dialectics of conflict and cooperation (2016) 


GIZ: Transboundary Water Law and Policy - Exchanging Experiences across African River Basin Organisations (2015) 

FAO: Transboundary River Basin Overview – Mekong (2011) 


Mason S.A. - From Conflict to Cooperation in the Nile Basin (2004) 

Young M. - Climate change implications on transboundary water management in the Jordan River Basin: A Case Study of the Jordan River Basin and the transboundary agreements between riparians Israel, Palestine and Jordan (2015)