National Organizations

Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan
According to the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev #5330 of February 12, 2018 “On measures to radically improve the system of agriculture and water sector governance”, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources was split into the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Water Management.
The main tasks and scope of work of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:
- implementing a unified policy on water resource management, organizing water accounting and reporting, as well as coordinating activities of state agencies and other organizations in the area of water use and protection, prevention and elimination of harmful impacts of water;
- creating conditions to meet ever-increasing water demand of the Republic’s population, economic sectors and natural environment and ensuring efficient water use;
- mobilizing skilled foreign experts and consulting firms for high-quality organization of work on modernization, development and construction of water facilities, development of regulations, as well as work on design and expertise of water facilities to reach high level of safety of the facilities;
- determining priority and implementing projects by making beforehand a deep analysis of cost-effectiveness and safety of water facilities, based on the list of concrete indicators and criteria;
- providing R&D support of activities related to expertise and implementation of projects on construction and reconstruction of water facilities;
- ensuring safety and reliable operation of water bodies, flood control reservoirs and other facilities and structures in the water sector;
- taking measures for reclamation of land and ensuring of irrigated land sustainability;
- ensuring wider application of resource-saving technology, construction materials and international best practices in the water sector;
- promoting digital technology in water management, accounting and reporting and developing respective database;
- ensuring transparent water accounting and power consumption;
- implementing principles of market economy, mechanisms of public-private partnership and outsourcing in the water sector;
- organizing a water sector professional development system on a regular basis, enhancing integration of water-management agencies with educational organizations and academia, promoting application of research results;
- developing interstate relations in the area of transboundary water management and use, mobilizing foreign investments and technical assistance (grants), and taking active part in activities of international water organizations.
Basin Irrigation System Administrations
Basin Irrigation System Administrations are territorial branches of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
- Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Karakalpakstan;
- Naryn Karadarya Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Amu-Bukhara Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Syrdarya-Zarafshan Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Amu-Kashkadarya Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Lower Zarafshan Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Naryn-Syrdarya Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Zarafshan Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Amu-Surkhan Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Lower Syrdarya Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Chirchik-Akhangaran Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Syrdarya-Sokh Basin Irrigation System Administration;
- Left bank Amudarya Basin Irrigation System Administration.

State Water Infrastructure Safety Control Inspection (“Gozvodkhoznadzor”)
The main tasks and scope of work of the Inspection are as follows:
- controlling safety, reliable operation and protection of water bodies, flood control reservoirs and other water facilities of high risk;
- approving directions on location, design and operation rules of high-risk water facilities and developing rules and criteria of their safety;
- taking part in activities on construction, reconstruction, acceptance, conservation and liquidation, as well as issuing relevant examination documents on water facilities of high risk;
- adopting up-to-date technology and best practices in high-risk infrastructure safety examination activity;
- taking part in implementation of measures to mitigate negative effects of high-risk water facilities on population and economic sectors in emergency situations.
The Inspection has the right to:
- limit or suspend diversion of water in case of non-compliance with safety criteria during operation of high-risk water facilities;
- mobilize highly skilled experts in relevant ministries and agencies, design&research and educational institutions, as well as in international organizations and foreign companies to ensure safety of high-risk water infrastructure.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan
According to the Decree of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev #5330 of February 12, 2018 “On measures to radically improve the system of agriculture and water sector governance”, the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources was split into the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The main tasks and scope of work the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan are:
- implementing a unified policy on agriculture and food security aimed at comprehensive modernization of the sector, implementation of scientific and technical achievements, modern resource-saving technologies and intensive agrotechnologies and best agronomic practices;
- coordinating state bodies, agricultural enterprizes and other organizations dealing with food security in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- increasing export potential of economic sectors by producing competitive products, conducting in-depth marketing research, attracting foreign investments and gratuitous technical assistance (grants);
- creating necessary stock of agricultural products and food staffs for year-round and uninterrupted supply of population at stable prices;
- ensuring extended processing of agricultural products, improved mechanisms of the public-private partnership, as well as enhanced participation of business entities in socio-economic development of the territories;
- developing integrated targeted, sectoral, and territorial programs aimed at dynamic and balanced development of agriculture, food security, increased employment and improved livelihoods of rural population, and stable prices of food staffs on the internal market;
- ensuring systemic integration of education, science, and agricultural production and training and retraining of staff, taking into account current and prospective needs of agriculture for highly qualified experts.

Inspection for Control over Agroindustry
The main task of the Inspection for Control over Agroindustry are as follows:
- control over:
- compliance with law and regulations in the field of agriculture and water sector, as well as food security;
- compliance with requirements of the state order, harvesting, separate processing and storage of cotton seeds and cereals;
- meeting the requirements of formation of agricultural and food stock according to the state plans;
- quality, rational and targeted use, ensuring reliable preservation and reduction of losses of state resources of cereals, cotton and other seeds of agricultural crops, as well as products of their processing;
- implementing state policy in the field of genetic purity of varieties and quality of seeds of agricultural crops, activity on seed certification, identification and quality control of seeds and planting materials;
- rational use and protection of agricultural lands, strict observance of laws within the scope of the tasks assigned to the Inspection, including bringing to responsibility of those responsible as established by law;
- rational and efficient water use and compliance with water use rules in artificial water bodies;
- compliance with laws and regulations on pedigree livestock farming in all enterprises, institutions, and organizations regardless of their departmental affiliation and forms of ownership;
- technical condition of agricultural, reclamation and road-building machinery, efficiency of their operation, quality, service and repair services;
- mandatory state inspection of the quality of cereals, raw cotton, seeds of crops and products of their processing during export-import and intra-republican transportation;
- implementation of measures to identify offenses and take measures to eliminate the causes and conditions that contribute to them;
- proceedings in case of administrative offenses in the manner prescribed by law.

Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The priority areas of activity of the Ministry are as follows:
- development and implementation of a unified state policy on environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, waste management and climate change;
- public environmental control, including air, soil, subsoil, water, forests, protected natural areas, protection of fauna and flora, waste management;
- conservation, protection, breeding, and restoration of forests, improvement of productivity and rational use of forests;
- organization of hydrometeorological servicing, monitoring of climate change and environmental pollution;
- development of cooperation with civil society organizations and the public in the field of environmental protection, systematic organization of environmental education, awareness raising, research support;
- implementation of principles of “green” development, reduction of harmful emissions and negative impact of human activity on nature;
- digitization of nature protection, establishment of an automated monitoring system to reduce the human factor;
- development of ecotourism, hunting and safari tourism, effective use of forest farms and national nature parks (except for areas converted into nature reserves) and construction of appropriate infrastructure, creation of favorable conditions for foreign and domestic tourists and their services;
- implementation of effective measures to prevent, identify and suppress violations of laws in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;
- environmental monitoring, identification of factors that can lead to environmental pollution, irrational nature use and threaten the life and health of citizens;
- control over the compliance with standards, norms, and regulations of environmental protection;
- ensuring of the rights and legitimate interests of legal entities and individuals and their fulfillment of duties in the field of nature protection and rational use of natural resources;
- control of rational use of forests, regulation of relations in the field of environmental protection and control over organization of land and air protection of forests.

Centre of Hydrometeorological Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzhydromet)
Centre of Hydrometeorological Service (Uzhydromet) is the state governing body specially authorized for the solution of tasks in the field of hydrometeorology in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
The objectives of Uzhydromet are the development and improvement of the state system of hydrometeorological observations, hydrometeorological provision of the sectors of economy, scientific research activities, improvement of short-term and long-term weather forecasts, water availability of rivers, climate change.
Observations of water regime of hydrological objects in the basins of Amudarya and Syrdarya rivers and their components. Uzhydromet conducts hydrometeorological and agrometeorological observations on the whole territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In the zone of responsibility of Uzhydromet the stations which have long terms of observation are located.
Main objectives and tasks of hydrometeorological monitoring are provision of users with hydrometeorological data and prognostic and analytical information prepared on its base.

International innovation Center for the Aral Sea Basin
The main objectives and rights of the International Innovation Center for Aral Sea Basin:
- Improving the productivity of agro-ecosystems on the saline soils of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea and adjacent territories of the deltas of the Aral Sea basin to improve the well-being and incomes of the population living in this region;
- creating experimental demonstration pilot sites for testing various salt-drought-resistant and frost-resistant crops and shrubs on saline soils and degraded pastures, developing and introducing innovative technologies and approaches in collaboration with international organizations aimed at restoring and increasing the productivity of water and land resources in Priaralye;
- promotion and presentation of innovative technologies and approaches, including the sustainable use of water resources, including marginal categories, the afforestation of desert sandy arrays of the dried bottom of the Aral Sea, agroforestry and the organization of desert-pasture forage production and animal husbandry, improving the fertility of saline degraded land, diversification and widespread adoption new and unconventional salt and drought-resistant, improvement of the issues of their selection, the technology of their cultivation and seed new products; as well as the improvement and introduction of alternative systems for the introduction of agriculture on saline soils, the mobilization of plant material from natural pastures for the sustainable use of medicinal, technical, ornamental and other plants of the Aral basin;
- development of measures and institutional approaches for managing and improving pasture productivity, restoring and improving the genetic quality of animal breeds, including the processing of animal products, marketing and export;
- development of a set of measures and a national action plan to prevent and mitigate the effects of drought and adaptation of local people to climate change;
- development of public-private partnership in order to eliminate the negative environmental and social consequences of the process of draining the Aral Sea;
- development of a set of measures and approaches to improve the environmental situation, life, income and welfare of the population of the Aral Sea basin, conducting scientific, practical and innovative research;
- assistance to research institutions in conducting research in the Aral Sea region;
- participation in the development of international scientific and technical cooperation, the implementation of scientific, technical and innovative projects with foreign partners, including with the involvement of grants from international programs and funds.

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a state governing body in the field of prevention and liquidation of natural and man-made emergency situations, civil protection, hydrometeorology, sustainable operation of hydraulic structures, seismic observations, safe operation of small ships, and protection of lives and health of population on water bodies.
The main tasks of the Ministry are as follows:
- development and implementation of a unified state policy in the field of prevention and liquidation of natural and man-made emergency situations in peacetime and wartime, hydrometeorology, sustainable operation of hydraulic structures, seismic observations, safe operation of small ships, and protection of lives and health of population on water bodies;
- early detection of risks and threats of emergency situations and ensuring their early prevention;
- provision of aid package to population in case of threats to their lives, health or property, strengthening and improvement of dialogue with people and close cooperation with citizens’ self-governance bodies and other community organizations, and ensuring timely information on possible threats;
- development and management of the State System of Emergency Prevention and Responses (SSEPR) and Civil Protection in the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- comprehensive monitoring and forecast of threats of emergency situations and related hydrometeorologic and seismic observations;
- coordination of activity and efficient cooperation of the state and economic administrative bodies, local authorities, citizens’ self-governance bodies, and other organizations on protection of population and country territory from the natural and man-made emergency situations; setting up of the state reserve funds of financial, food- stock, medical and material resources for these purposes;
- development and implementation of measures and target scientific-technical programs to develop, implement, and coordinate measures aimed at preventing emergency situations, protecting population and country territory, hydrometeorological and seismic observations, controlling safety of hydraulic structures and small ships, ensuring safety of population on water objects, as well as increased and sustainable functioning of industrial objects in case of emergency situations;
- systematic preparation of population, officials, and SSEPR groups for actions in emergency situations using modern information communication technologies and mass media; and
- training of highly-qualified personnel and their further development and organization of scientific research in the field of hydrometeorology and prevention and liquidation of emergency situations.

State Committee for Land, Geodesy, Cartography and National Cadaster of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The State Committee for Land, Geodesy, Cartography and National Cadaster (Goskomzemgeodezkadastr) is a state administrative body.
The system of Goskomzemgeodezkadastr consists of land and national cadaster authorities of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, provinces, and the city of Tashkent, divisions for land and national cadaster of districts, state enterprises of land management and immovable property cadaster the Republic of Karakalpakstan, provinces, the city of Tashkent and districts, Inspection of State Geodesic Supervision, National Center of Geodesy and Cartography and other units.
The key tasks of Goskomzemgeodezkadastr are as follows:
- ensure implementation of the common national policy on efficient land use and land relations regulation; organize land management and monitoring;
- develop and implement national programs for improvement of soil fertility, rational use and protection of land;
- undertake public control over land use and protection;
- coordinate surveying and mapping activity;
- organize state geodesic supervision;
- coordinate activity of government agencies and local authorities on maintenance of national cadasters;
- maintain national land cadaster, national cartographic-geodesic cadaster, national cadaster of buildings and structures, as well as the Unified system of national cadasters.

Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The main objectives and scope of work of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan are as follows:
- develop and implement a unified state policy in the energy and fuel sector aimed at achieving energy security in the Republic of Uzbekistan, ensure sustainable fuel and energy supply to economic sectors and population, and promote and develop renewable energy;
- regulate production, transmission, distribution and consumption of electricity and thermal power, coal, as well as mining, processing, transportation, distribution, sale and use of oil, gas and their processed products;
- ensure a unified legal and technical regulation of the energy sector in the country;
- develop a balanced system of strategic planning and development of the energy and fuel sector, increase and diversify energy production, develop short-, medium- and long-term forecasts for production, supply and consumption of all energy resources, as well as develop target programs for comprehensive energy sector development;
- raise investment attractiveness of the energy and fuel sector by developing public-private partnerships and improving tariff policy, which facilitates creation of favorable competitive and business environment on the energy market;
- coordinate investment projects in the fuel and energy sector, attract the private sector in mining and production of energy, maintain cooperation with international financial institutions, donor-countries, companies, banks, and other agencies;
- encourage introduction of up-to-date corporate management methods in the energy sector, of advanced information and communication technologies and automated control and monitoring systems, and, based on this, improve effectiveness of management and reduce operation costs, increase transparency of financial and economic activity of energy companies;
- support introduction of innovation technologies in processes of oil, gas, and energy companies, increase energy-efficiency; and
- organize work on a regular basis on training, professional development, and retraining of engineers and management personnel in the energy sector.

Joint Stock Company ”Uzbekenergo”
The Power Industry of Uzbekistan operates in the framework of the Joint Stock Company ”Uzbekenergo”.
The company structure includes 53 enterprises and organizations, including 39 open joint-stock companies, 11 unitary enterprises, 2 societies with limited liability and company branch-“Energosotish”.

Joint stock company “Uzbekgidroenergo”
JSC "Uzbekgidroenergo" is the structure in the country engaged in the development and implementation of programs to develop the country's hydroelectric potential and effective use of existing opportunities, development of the hydropower sector based on the integrated development of hydropower potential.
The main tasks of JSC Uzbekgidroenergo are as follows:
- carry out a unified technical policy in hydropower production, ensure safe and efficient operation of hydraulic structures, as well as centralized management of hydropower facilities;
- develop and implement hydropower development programs based on the comprehensive development of hydropower potential and ensure increased share of hydropower in the national energy balance;
- implement investment projects on construction of new hydropower plants and modernization of existing ones based on the modern and comprehensive scientific and technical decisions in the field of designing and construction of large, medium-sized, small and micro hydropower plants;
- develop cooperation with international organizations and financial institutes to involve foreign investments and advanced technologies in the projects on construction of new hydropower plants and modernization of existing ones;
- ensure careful protection of water potential of the republic, preserve existing flora and fauna while constructing and operating hydraulic structures, as well as efficient water management in view of climate, environment and other conditions of the republic;
- systematic training, re-training and capacity building of experts with higher and secondary vocational education in the field of hydropower.

Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Ministry of Mining Industry and Geology of the Republic of Uzbekistan is a state governing body in the field of geological survey, use and protection of mineral resources, as well as management of mining relations.
The main tasks of the Ministry are:
- implementing a unified state policy in the field of geological survey, use and protection of mineral resources, as well as management of mining relations;
- rapid development of the mineral and raw materials base in the republic, firstly, of groundwater, precious, non-ferrous, and rare-earth metals and uranium, rapid search of new types of mineral resources and their deposits;
- improving efficiency and performance of geological exploration, ensuring increase of mineral resources and reproduction of mineral and raw material base in economic sectors, including provision of new industrial capacities in situ;
- active investment policy related to geological survey and commercial development of mineral deposits, and creation of favorable investment environment;
- preparing proposal on diversification of raw material sources in existing industry branches, firstly, in the regions of the republic to organize joint enterprises for production of competitive products;
- monitoring of and control over implementation of long-term, medium-term, and annual state programs for development and reproduction of mineral and raw materials base, unbiased assessment of exploration technique and volume, quality, and reliability of exploration results;
- state control over compliance with legislation and regulatory documents by legal entities and individuals related to the use and protection of minerals during geological survey, extraction of minerals (including fresh, mineral, thermal, exploitable groundwater), procession of minerals, as well as mine-survey service;
- implementing efficient measures to modernize geology through accelerated implementation of the modern and high-performance geology-prospecting equipment, advanced technology, and innovation technology;
- implementing systematic measures on training highly qualified experts with higher and secondary special, professional education, retraining, and professional development of experts, as well as on improving mechanisms of incentives.

Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal services of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Ministry is a special authorized government body implementing a unified state policy in the field of architecture, construction, as well as housing and communal services in the Republic of Uzbekistan

The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics
The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Statistics is a state governing body, which carries out a unified policy in the field of statistics aimed at establishing and operating integrated progressive statistical information system which is based on scientific methodology, international standards and rules, taking into account national and regional features of development and which meets the requirements of public and economic authorities, legal entities, international organizations and citizens in the official statistical information.
Basic tasks of the State Committee are as follows:
- development and implementation of a unified policy in the field of state statistics, ensuring effective system of statistics organization;
- coordination and regulation in the field of state statistics;
- development, approval and implementation of a unified statistical methodology in compliance with international standards and structures of state statistical observations;
- collection, processing, accumulation, storage, summary, analysis, and publication of statistical information on socio-economic processes and their results;
- provision of statistical information to the state bodies, legal entities, international organizations, and population in due course;
- implementation of a Unified State Register of Enterprises and Organizations; development, implementation and maintenance of economic-statistical classifications needed for statistical operations;
- development of information and communication technologies in the system of state statistics; provision of users with free access to a wide set of indicators which fully cover issues of the national development and show qualitative changes in economic spheres, as well as population living standards;
- further improvement of the methods of work of the central body of the Committee and its structural divisions, ensuring timely response to citizen petitions, and raising responsibility of concerned staff for timely and qualitative fulfillment of defined tasks.

The Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Ministry is a state governing body in the field of information technologies and communications.
The main tasks of the Ministry are:
- developing and implementing a unified state policy and regulating relations in the field of information technologies and communications, implementing e-government, developing an information society and digital economy;
- developing and modernizing telecommunications infrastructure through expansion of broadband Internet access, multiservice network technologies, mobile communication and other modern telecommunication services, well as well logistics and postal services;
- implementing a unified technological approach to information systems and resources of state bodies, developing interdepartmental information systems, creating unified e-inventories and databases, systems of e-government services based on a single “shop-window” principle;
- facilitating implementation of innovations in state administration and real economy, promoting expansion of digital economy, including through comprehensive automated management systems in the production, and creating favorable conditions for development of e-commerce;
- implementing and developing modern intellectual system to manage urban and regional infrastructure, including public utility services, transport logistics, emergency services, with their further integration in a unified complex of a smart and safe city;
- promoting, creating conditions, and attracting investments to develop national software products and services by establishing technoparks and co-working centers, also based on public-private partnerships;
- research and development, training, retraining and advanced training on strategic and project management, business administration, and marketing in the field of information technologies and communications based on the best practices of leading foreign companies and education entities;
- implementing integrated measures to ensure cybersecurity and introduce modern technologies to protect communication networks, software products, information systems and resources, and regulating technologies to collect, process, and store personal and biometric data;
- exercising state control over compliance with laws on information technologies and communications to ensure high quality of telecommunication and postal services;
- developing cooperation with international organizations, foreign companies, and research entities on implementation and development of information technologies and communications.
Inspection for Control in the field of communications, IT development, and telecommunication technologies at the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan
The Inspection is a special authorized body responsible for control over compliance with laws on communications, IT and telecommunication technologies, distribution of printed periodicals, copyright in distribution of phonograms, audiovisual products, and software programs.
The Inspection executes state control over:
- compliance with laws, regulations, and state standards related to communications, IT, telecommunication technologies, and distribution of printed periodicals;
- compliance with laws and regulations related to copyright in distribution (sale, rent, and bringing to public notice) of phonograms, audiovisual products, and software programs;
- measures, within relevant jurisdictions, for consumer rights protection and on quality of postal services, information technologies, and telecommunications, distribution of printed periodicals, phonograms, audiovisual products, and software programs;
- development of infrastructure and efficient use of information and communication technologies in the e-government system in the state organizations and business entities, local authorities, and other organizations and agencies;
- automation of working and management processes, implementation and use of integrated information systems, interdepartmental data transfer and exchange networks, integration of public information resources, including provision of electronic public services;
- development of telecommunication infrastructure through expansion of broadband Internet access, multiservice network technologies, mobile communication market, other modern telecommunication services, well as well of postal services and distribution of printed periodicals.