National organizations

State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan
The State Committee for Water Management of Turkmenistan is the legal successor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources to deal with the water sector.
The State Committee of Water Economy of Turkmenistan conducts and implements the state policy on operation and protection of water facilities and land reclamation, participates in the development of the main vectors of the state policy on the integrated use and protection of water resources, carries out activities to provide water to the population and all sectors of the economy, develops and controls the implementation of state programs to further improve land reclamation and water resources development, coordinates the activity of ministries, industry departments, organizations and enterprises regardless of their form of ownership in order successfully implement water sector development programs, implements the other essential tasks.
At the same time, among the tasks set for the State Committee, of great importance are the measures to ensure food security of the country, drinking water supply to settlements, provision of irrigation water to sowing lands and improvement of their reclamation state, as well as measures to combat natural phenomena, in particular, safe passage of mudflow water, implementation of measures to prevent possible situations in watercourses associated with changes in weather conditions, as well as uninterrupted water supply to the population.
Administrative agencies of the Committee:
- Industrial Association «Àkhalsuvkhojalik»
- Industrial Association «Balkansuvkhojalik»
- Industrial Association «Dashoguzsuvkhojalik»
- Industrial Association «Lebapsuvkhojalik»
- Industrial Association «Marisuvkhojalik»
- Industrial Association «Garagumderyagurlushik»
- Turkmen State Water Management Research, Production and Design Institute «Òurkmensuvilimtaslama»
- Industrial Association «Suvdesgatoplayish»
- Water Control Service
- Children's health and entertainment center «Àltyn Damja»

Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan is a legal successor of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources of Turkmenistan and the State Committee for Environment Protection and Land Resources to deal with agricultural matters.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, which implements the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan in the field of agriculture and environmental protection, is a body engaged in the development of agriculture in accordance with the realities of the present, as well as food security and environmental protection, land relations and hydrometeorology. The Ministry coordinates the activities of ministries, subordinate governing bodies, all institutions-enterprises regardless of the type of ownership in the successful implementation of programs aimed at the development of agriculture, environmental protection, rational use of natural and land resources, hydrometeorology and food security, studies and widely uses international practice, modern technology. The Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection, which implements the state policy of the President of Turkmenistan in the field of agriculture and environmental protection, is a body engaged in the development of agriculture in accordance with the realities of the present, as well as food security and environmental protection, land relations and hydrometeorology.
Hydrometeorology Service at the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection of Turkmenistan
The National Committee for Hydrometeorology at the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment Protection and renamed into the Hydrometeorology Service.
National Desert, Flora and Fauna Institute
The National Desert, Flora and Fauna Institute undertakes basic and applied research in biology, ecology, human environmental conservation, and efficient nature use, based on specific characteristics of arid ecosystems.
The key research directions are as follows:
- Integrated research, development of methods for sustainable use and protection of biosphere resources in Turkmenistan;
- Desertification processes and development of measures for sustainable water and land use;
- Integrated study of biodiversity and study of local and alien species, creation of data bank and maintenance of state cadaster;
- Monitoring of endemic, rare and endangered animal and plant species, their protection and maintenance of the national Red book;
- Forecast of plausible changes in the basic elements of the environment as a result of intensive nature use, including in biodiversity;
- Development of technologies for restoration and improvement of degraded forest and pasture area and planting of forest orchards;
- Preparation of recommendations on protection of motor and rail roads and other national economic infrastructure from drifting and blowing;
- Development of scientific grounds for maintenance of a network of nature conservation areas and recommendations for their management;
- Study of insects of natural ecosystems and agrocoenosis, development of environmentally safe methods to combat pests;
- Observations over environmental pollution, information support of public agencies and institutions on their requests;
- Adoption and promotion of the most important local and foreign achievements in the area of nature use and environmental conservation.

Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan
The Ministry of Energy is an executive authority, which is responsible for governance and common national policy in the area of energy, modernization and construction of additional generating capacities, and export of energy.

State Statistical Committee of Turkmenistan
The State Statistical Committee is an executive authority, which is responsible for preparation of official statistics about social, economic, demographic, and ecological situation in the country and for control and supervision over public statistical activity within the boundaries of Turkmenistan.
The Committee consolidates and processes reporting information. The data are generalized and analyzed at ministerial (departmental) level, by region and for Turkmenistan as a whole. These include indicators of:
- state of atmosphere, its pollution and protection;
- state of water resources, their use and protection;
- state of land resources, their use and conservation;
- state of forest resources, their use and conservation.

State Concern “Turkmengeology”
The State Concern “Turkmengeology” is responsible for monitoring of groundwater, both its quantity (level, use, storage) and quality (physic-chemical and chemical characteristics). There are 4 hydrogeological field offices (expeditions) that measure water quality in all operational wells, regularly make rapid chemical analysis of water in the wells and twice a year make full chemical analysis in the central laboratory of Turkmengeology. The expeditions make analysis for hydrocarbons, phenols, pesticides and other elements once or twice a year.
The State Concern together with the Sanitary-Epidemiological Service is also responsible for drinking water quality.

State Commission of Turkmenistan on Compliance with Turkmenistan’s Obligations Emanating from UN Environmental Conventions and Programs
The State Commission on Compliance with Turkmenistan’s Obligations Emanating from UN Environmental Conventions and Programs was established to coordinate activities of the ministries and departments for compliance with Turkmenistan’s obligations on implementation of the Biological Diversity Convention, Framework Convention on Climate Change, Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer, Aarhus Convention and other environmental conventions and programs, and to implement national policy on environmental conservation and sustainable nature use.
Based on its mission, the Commission organizes development of national programs and action plans as part of the UN environmental conservation and sustainable nature use, drafts national country reports about compliance with the Turkmenistan’s obligations.

National Committee for Hydrometeorology at the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan
The National Committee for Hydrometeorology (“Turkmengidromet”) is a state administrative body, which is responsible for implementation of the national policy in the area of hydrometeorology and provision of information for economic sectors, defense enterprises, and population about actual and predicted changes in hydrometeorological conditions and their negative effects.
The key tasks of Turkmengidromet are as follows:
- make forecasts of hydrometeorological events, flow probability, good dates for crop sowing based on environmental conditions, yields and gross harvests of the basic crops; and, provide these data to public and community institutions;
- develop scientific and technological cooperation in the area of hydrometeorology on the basis of signed interstate agreements: regular exchange of hydrometeorological information, including on natural disasters; follow common methodology of hydrometeorological observations, agreed technologies of hydrometeorological data collection and dissemination;
- etc.