National organizations

Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan is the central government authority that formulates and carries out the public policy and fulfills regulatory functions in the area of fuel, energy and water resources.
Responsibilities of the Ministry:
- Elaboration of strategies for fuel-energy industry development and for management, use and protection of water resources in the Republic of Tajikistan and their implementation through national and sectoral programs;
- Undertaking of measures for implementation of the national energy and water policy in context of international cooperation and foreign economic relations;
- Elaboration and implementation of the socio-economic development concepts and programs in context of fuel-energy and water sectors, involvement in development and implementation of interstate and intersectoral programs;
- Technical guidance and coordination of work of fuel-energy and water entities to ensure meeting of national interests;
- Approval of regimes for filling and operation of reservoirs, as well as operation of other hydropower facilities;
- Organization and coordination of measures to ensure appropriate technical conditions and improvement of reservoirs, and control over observance of their operation rules;
- Keeping track of the use and protection of water resources, the established quotas and limits of water uses, irrespective of ownership forms, and consolidation of information on water resources;
- Development and use of water databases and information system, maintenance of water and energy cadasters;
- Maintenance of the National inventory of hydraulic structures;
- Approval and licensing of construction of hydraulic structures and bank-protection activities;
- etc.
Service for State Supervision over Hydraulic Structure Safety
The Service for State Supervision over Hydraulic Structure Safety at the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan is an authorized executive body, which ensures state control of hydraulic structures after their commissioning.
The Service has the following functions:
- Ensure state supervision in the area of hydraulic structure safety, including control over observance of standards and rules during development and implementation of projects for repair and construction of dams, hydropower plant buildings, water-transmission passages and other hydraulic structures;
- Exercise control over geodetic and geo-filtration process related activities carried out at hydropower facilities;
- develop a safety declaration and the procedure for its documentation, together with the list of required data and the procedure for expertise of the declaration;
- approves with relevant agencies the possible uses of the areas of hydraulic structures, river channels and adjacent areas upstream and downstream dams for economic and other purposes;
- etc.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Ministry of Agriculture is the central executive authority, which is responsible for elaboration and implementation of the common national agricultural policy.
The Ministry fulfills the following tasks:
- elaborates and implements the common national agricultural policy, including in the area of crop growing, livestock breeding and other sectors of agricultural production;
- develops programs and forecasts of production to ensure effective use of the national agricultural capacities;
- organizes monitoring of production and profitability of agricultural sector and identifies development trends;
- renders support to agricultural producers, prepares recommendations for the improvement of agricultural production and farming operation effectiveness;
- assesses and predicts the state of agricultural sector, provides necessary information for public and local authorities, institutions, enterprises and civil society;
- etc.

Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Agency for Land Reclamation and Irrigation is the central executive authority in the area of land reclamation and irrigation. It fulfills the functions related to elaboration of the common national policy and legal regulation in reclamation of land, use and conservation of water facilities and water resources.
According to the Constitution and laws and regulations of the Republic of Tajikistan, the Agency has the following responsibilities:
- keep records and monitor water resources, provide services to water users on the basis of contracts;
- keep records and monitor wastewater, ensure their disposal;
- control irrigation, drainage and other structures that are under responsibility of the Agency, according to the general plan of water distribution adopted by its departments;
- repair irrigation and drainage structures and, if necessary, repair other water management facilities that are under responsibility of the Agency at the expense of centralized or investment funds;
- identify needs for rehabilitation or improvement of flow capacity in irrigation structures, drains and other water management facilities that are on the books of the Agency;
- develop Cadaster of land conditions, control fulfillment of the Government’s decrees for land improvement at the expense of available funds, supervise and prevent deterioration of land;
- analyze and monitor bank-protection activities carried out along rivulets and rivers;
- develop a plan for repair, rehabilitation and conservation of dams;
- develop an annual plan for new land development;
- etc.

State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy of the Republic of Tajikistan
State Committee for Land Management and Geodesy is the central government authority, which is responsible for formulation and implementation of the common public policy in the area of state land management, land cadaster, land surveying, mapping, state registration of immovable property and its rights, and state control over land use and conservation.

Committee of Environmental Protection at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Committee for Environmental Conservation is the central government authority of the Republic that is involved in implementation of the public policy in the area of environmental conservation, hydrometeorology, and rational nature use and ensures state control over environmental protection and nature use.
The key tasks of the Committee:
- follow the single public ecological policy in the area of conservation of environment, rational use of natural resources, including protection of natural heritage, prevention of extremes that negatively affect environment and biodiversity and of persistent organic pollutants;
- ensure state control over protection and rational use of flora and fauna, fish stock, hunting reserves, nature conservation areas, touristic passages, forests, water resources, atmosphere, land and their wealth, minerals; control over application of chemicals and mineral fertilizers, waste disposal, observance of ecological and biological safety standards;
- arrange and conduct environmental monitoring, forecast and study the state of environment, weather, glaciers, lakes and reservoirs, analyze phenomena and processes of natural disasters;
- carry our research and study the issues related to environmental conservation, rational use of natural resources, biodiversity, water and fish resources, and climate change;
- etc.
Agency for Hydrometeorology (Tajikgidromet)
The National Agency for Hydrometeorology provides public services in the area of hydrometeorology.
The Agency has the following functions:
- take part in implementation of the common national policy in the area of hydrometeorology and environmental pollution monitoring;
- produces state statistical reporting in the area of hydrometeorology and provides the data to upper authorities;
- in accordance with the established procedure, coordinates establishment and maintenance of the system of integrated environmental monitoring;
- fulfills national obligations in the area of hydrometeorology in the established manner;
- etc.

Statistical Agency under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Statistical Agency under President of the Republic of Tajikistan is the central statistical and economic analysis office of the country.
The Agency collects and disseminates statistical information according to the principles of unbiased and comprehensive study of the current socio-economic processes in the Republic and records administrative-territorial units and human settlements.

Central Geological Administration at the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan
The Central Geological Administration is the central executive authority, which is responsible for national policy and governance and coordination of work on exploration of mineral wealth, rational use and replacement of mineral resources.
The key functions of the Central Geological Administration are as follows:
- develop and implement national policy, coordinate work in the area of exploration, replacement, use, and protection of the Republican mineral resources;
- develop and implement measures aimed at meeting economic demands for mineral resources and at their sustainable use;
- conduct geological explorations for mineral resources, including groundwater (fresh, saline, industrial, thermal) and fuel-energy;
- make integrated assessments and forecasts of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions of the environment and of natural resources and, in established manner, provide other central executive authorities, local authorities, institutions, and civil society with relevant information;
- etc.