National organizations

The Ministry for Agriculture, Food Security and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Ministry for Agriculture, Food Security and Land Reclamation of the Kyrgyz Republic is an authorized executive body responsible for implementation of a state policy in agro-industry, including livestock production, fish breeding (aquaculture), crop production, plant quarantine, land reclamation, land and water resources, irrigation and drainage infrastructure, food and processing industry, as well as state regulation of and control over production and sale of ethyl alcohol and alcoholic goods.
The tasks of the Ministry are as follows:
- develop and implement a unified state policy in the area of agriculture, food and processing industry, fish breeding, as well as veterinary, sanitary and phyto-sanitary safety and safe handling of pesticides and agrochemicals, veterinary medicines;
- meet internal needs of the country for agricultural products and increase agricultural product export potential of the country;
- determine priority directions and development strategy for advanced innovative technologies in agriculture, promote transfer of scientific and technical achievements to agricultural practices;
- plan interstate allocation of water resources formed on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and regulate interstate water relations together with the state bodies in due course; and
- implement the state policy in the area of efficient and rational management and use of land resources of the State Fund for Agricultural Land and Pastures.

State Agency for Water Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
The State Agency for Water Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is an authorized executive body responsible for state regulation of water management and use.
The objectives of the Agency include:
- implementing integrated water resource management;
- ensuring sustainable management and efficient use of water resources and water management infrastructure, water supply and sanitation facilities;
- ensuring efficient interstate cooperation in the area of water management and use and regulating other water-related relations. The main tasks of the Agency are as follows:
- regulate relations in the area of water management and use;
- elaborate and implement programs for development of irrigation, water supply and sanitation infrastructure;
- develop international water cooperation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Jalal-Abad Basin Water Management Administration
The Jalal-Abad Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Batken Basin Water Management Administration
The Batken Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Issyk-Kul Basin Water Management Administration
The Issyk-Kul Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Talas Basin Water Management Administration
The Talas Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Naryn Basin Water Management Administration
The Naryn Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Osh Basin Water Management Administration
The Osh Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.
Chu Basin Water Management Administration
The Chu Basin Water Management Administration (BWMA) is one of the structural units of the Department of Water Management and Land Reclamation. BWMA ensures the performance of the function of the state management and regulation body for water reserves (excluding therapeutic mineral and thermal waters), forms and implements a unified technical policy in the field of design, construction and operation of water management systems and facilities with a complex of regulatory and other devices and facilities designed for water use.

State Agency for Land Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
The State Agency for Land Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic is an authorized executive body responsible for implementation of a state policy on land resources and land tenure, state registration of real estate rights, geodesy and cartography, including control over uniform application and enforcement of land legislation, formation of a full-fledged geo-information system on land resources, topographic and geodetic, mapping and land management work, and registration of real estate rights.
The mission of the Agency is to implement the state policy on land resources and land tenure management and registration of real estate rights, provide services on land management, land cadaster, topography, geodesy and mapping, and promote development of the land and real estate market.
The tasks of the Agency are as follows:
- ensure functioning of a unified state system for land management and registration of real estate rights, land cadastre, topography, geodesy and mapping;
- ensure state protection of registered real estate rights;
- contributing to the development of spatial data infrastructure of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- provide all stakeholders with data on real estate and their rights to it in due course; and
- exercise state geodetic supervision over the proper execution of topographic, geodetic and mapping work by organizations, regardless of their departmental affiliation and ownership form.
State Agency “Cadaster”
The State Agency “Cadaster” is a subdivision of the State Agency for Land Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic responsible for land cadaster, cadastral mapping, registration of rights to real estate and associated transactions, and state protection of registered real estate rights.
The mission of Agency is to provide services on the state registration of real estate rights and associated transactions, maintain land and real estate cadastre, generate cadastral maps, and contribute to development of the land and real estate market.

State Design Institute on Land Management “Kyrgyzgiprozem”
The State Design Institute on Land Management “Kyrgyzgiprozem” is a subdivision of the State Agency for Land Resources at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The mission of the Institute is to perform a set of design and survey, land surveying and land cadastral work in the Kyrgyz Republic, regardless of the form of ownership of economic entities, also under contracts with individuals and legal entities.

National Water and Land Council under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Water and Land Council is an advisory and consultative body at the President of the Kyrgyz Republic. The National Council was established to elaborate systemic, comprehensive and coordinated policy recommendations and measures for water and land management, use and protection.
The key tasks and functions of the Council include the following:
- coordinate activities of ministries, administrative agencies, and other state bodies concerning the management of water and land resources, their use and protection;
- prepare draft laws on water and land management for submission to the Presidential Administration;
- fulfill other tasks as set in water and land codes of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Oversight of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Ministry of Natural Resources, Ecology and Technical Oversight of the Kyrgyz Republic is an authorized government body in charge of development and implementation of the public policy and coordination in the area of environmental protection, ecology, climate, geology, use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources, mineral resources, water resources, except for irrigation and drainage infrastructure. The Ministry also controls and oversees the observance of environmental (including chemical, biological, radiation and nuclear), industrial and mining safety requirements, subsoil protection criteria, and coal and fuel quality requirements.
The Ministry’s tasks are as follows:
- develop and conduct a unified public policy in the area of environmental protection, ecology, climate, geology, use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources, mineral resources, water resources, except for irrigation and drainage infrastructure;
- implementation of a single technical policy on topographic-geodesy and mapping work, advancement of science and technological advancements and best practices in topography-geodesy and mapping;
- improve public regulation, coordinate activities of state agencies, local authorities and organizations in the area of environmental protection, ecology, climate, geology, use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources, mineral resources, water resources, except for irrigation and drainage infrastructure, and in ensuring environmental, industrial and mining safety, coal and fuel quality;
- ensure preservation and rational use of biodiversity, sustainable functioning of designated conservation areas, protection, use and reproduction of flora and fauna, hunting resources;
- organize systemic in-depth study, use and reproduction of natural resources, including bioresources;
- ensure effective control over and oversight of observance of environmental, industrial and mining safety requirements, subsoil protection criteria, and coal and fuel quality requirements;
- ensure environmental safety of the population;
- promote green economy, mitigation and adaptation by coordinating mobilization of financial resources and investments from climate and other related funds, support investments and implementation of programs and projects;
- develop and maintain international cooperation in the area of environmental protection, ecology, climate, geology, use and protection of natural resources, including bioresources, water resources, except for irrigation and drainage infrastructure, environmental, industrial and mining safety and coal and fuel quality provision, hunting and designated conservation area management; review, generalize and disseminate international experience.

Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic is a government body in charge of elaboration and implementation of the fuel and energy public policy and enforcement of energy law.
The Ministry’s tasks are as follows:
- improve the efficiency of public control in the fuel-energy sector and energy security;
- create favorable conditions for development of fuel-energy sector and energy security;
- create conditions for safe and trouble-free supply of energy resources and services to the consumers.

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Kyrgyz Republic
The Ministry of Emergency Situations (MES) is an authorized government body in charge of implementation of a single public policy on civil defense, fire and water safety, hydrometeorology, and management of state physical reserves.
The Ministry’s tasks are as follows:
- monitor and forecast hazardous natural and anthropogenic processes and phenomena, plan measures in the area of civil defense, fire and water safety, hydrometeorology, ensure readiness of governing bodies, civil defense forces and population to emergency situations and response;
- prevent emergencies and implement protective measures;
- ensure multisectoral and territorial coordination of public bodies and local authorities in the area of civil defense;
- organize and undertake search-and-rescue, emergency response and other necessary work, do emergency recovery and assess scales of emergencies;
- ensure public control and oversight of observance of legal norms and technical requirements of fire safety as concerns products (sites) and/or related production, construction, assemblage, tuning, operation, storage, transportation, use, sale, deposition and utilization;
- ensure, within its competence, protection of population and territories from harmful impact of radiation hazardous sites;
- manage assets of the State material reserve fund;
- fulfil tasks set in the Kyrgyz Cabinet of Ministers’ mobilization plans in a state of emergency or under martial law;
- contribute to accumulation, storage, renovation and production of tangible assets under the State material reserve fund;
- take measures for extension, reconstruction and technical upgrading of the main assets of the State material reserve fund, economic and social development of the State material reserve fund system.
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Hydrometeorological Agency at the Ministry of Emergencies of the Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzgidromet)
The Hydrometeorological Agency at the Ministry of Emergencies is a branch of given Ministry that undertakes activities in hydrometeorology and observations over environmental pollution.
The objectives of Kyrgyzgidromet are as follows:
- Monitoring of the natural environment for protection of the population from hydrometeorological disasters and prevention or mitigation of damage that can be caused;
- Predicting violent hydrometeorological phenomena, issuing weather forecasts, flow probability and reservoir inflow forecasts, avalanche forecasts, agrometeorological forecasts, and warnings about high and extreme pollution of the natural environment;
- Meeting demands of the population, public entities, and economic sectors for hydrometeorological and environmental pollution information, including information about hydrometeorological disasters.

State Inspection for Environmental and Technical Safety at the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic
The State Inspection for Environmental and Technical Safety is an authorized government authority, which ensures public supervision and control in the area of environmental and technical safety.
The objectives of this authority are as follows:
- Public supervision and control over observance of regulations and requirements and technical rules for mechanical, seismic, fire, environmental, water, industrial, energy, biological, chemical and radiation safety of products (sites) and/or associated production processes, construction, installation, adjustment, operation, storage, transportation, use, selling, disposal, and utilization;
- Control over observance of citizen’s labor rights and labor safety requirements;
- Enforcement of obligations emanating from international treaties within the scope of its jurisdiction;
- Protection of the interests of the government and all actors of civil land relations based on the effective land law.

JSC “National energy holding company”
The “National Energy Holding” JSC was established to reform the management of energy sector. The founder of JSC is the State Property Management Fund under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The Holding is comprised of:
- National Electrical Grid of Kyrgyzstan JSC
- Chakan HPP
- Bishkekteploset JSC
- Severelectro JSC
- Vostokelectro JSC
- Jalalabadelectro JSC
- Electric Power Plants JSC
- Oshelektro JSC
- Kyrgyz Electricity Settlement Center

JSC “Electric Power Stations”
JSC “Electric Power Stations” is in the core of the Kyrgyz electric energy sector. The Company is the main producer of electric and thermal energy in Kyrgyzstan and supplier of internal and foreign consumers.
Priority development of hydropower consists in technical upgrade of the current electric power stations and in putting new generating capacities into operation.

National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic
The National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is a public body, which undertakes national statistical activities based on the principles of independence and autonomy and coordinates accounting and statistics throughout the Kyrgyz Republic.

Climate Finance Center of the Kyrgyz Republic
CFC KR is a lead government institution in Kyrgyzstan responsible for climate funding issues in the country. Apart from attracting financial resources from climate funds and international organizations and provision of support to implementation of investment projects and programs on adaptation, CFC is tasked with coordination of all stakeholder activities in climate change area.
The main goals and tasks of the CFC are:
- Assistance in the attraction of financial resources and investments from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and other international organizations;
- Assistance in advancing of investments, implementation of programs and projects in the field of climate change;
- Interaction with State authorities, international organizations, development partners, interested NGOs, business organizations, educational and scientific institutions on climate change;
- Assistance in developing a national strategy on climate change;
- Assistance in attraction of financing in the sphere of climate change;
- Participation in the implementation of programs and projects funded by the GCF and other international organizations;
- Participation in the monitoring of climate change projects;
- Participation in raising public awareness in the field of climate change.