National organizations

Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state body, which provides general guidance and coordination in the area of the national water fund use and protection, water supply, sanitation and irrigation.
The key tasks of the Ministry are as follows:
- formulate and implement state policies, improve public governance in the area of national water fund use and protection, water supply and sanitation within the scope of its competence;
- coordinate activities of central and local executive bodies in part of implementation of state policies that fall under the scope of the Ministry’s competence;
- maintain international cooperation within the scope of the Ministry’s competence;
- ensure protection, sound use and reclamation of water resources;
- raise awareness on water use and conservation, water supply and sanitation;
- enforce international treaties and other obligations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and develop international cooperation in the field of water management;
- provide public administration and control in relevant sphere;
- preserve national water fund;
- guide and provide inter-sectoral coordination in implementation of state policies in part of national water fund use and protection, water supply and sanitation;
- improve laws related to water management;
- improve public water governance system;
- fulfill functions of state supervision and control in the field of water management;
- perform other tasks entrusted to the Ministry within the scope of its competence.
Committee of Water Management
The Republican State Enterprise “Committee of Water Management of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is a state body within the competence of the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Republic of Kazakhstan which performs strategic, regulatory, implementation, monitoring and supervision functions in the field of water use and protection.
The main task of the Committee is ensuring coordination on the implementation of state policy, performance of strategic, regulatory, implementation and monitoring functions in the field of water resource management.
Republican State Organization “Nura-Saryssu Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Nura-Saryssu Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence. The inspection has its divisions or representatives in Karaganda, Akmola, Kyzylorda and South-Kazakhstan provinces.
Republican State Organization “Zhayik-Kaspiy Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Zhayik-Kaspiy Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence. The inspection has its divisions in Atirou, Aktyubinsk, West-Kazakhstan and Mangistou provinces.
Republican State Organization “Aralo-Syrdarya Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Aralo-Syrdarya Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence. The inspection has its divisions in South-Kazakhstan and Kyzylorda provinces.
Republican State Organization “Balkash-Alakol’ Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Balkash-Alakol’ Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence.
Republican State Organization “Yertis Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Yertis Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee for Water Resources. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence. The inspection has its divisions in East-Kazakhstan and Pavlodar provinces.
Republican State Organization “Yesil’ Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Yesil’ Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence. The inspection has its divisions in Akmola and North-Kazakhstan provinces.
Republican State Organization “Tobol-Torgai Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Tobol-Torgai Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence.
Republican State Organization “Shu-Talas Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection”
The Republican State Organization “Shu-Talas Basin Inspection for Water Use Regulation and Protection” is a regional agency of the Kazakh Committee of Water Management. It performs executing and supervision functions for regulation of water use and protection of the national water fund within the scope of its competence.

Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The mission of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan is creating conditions for the conservation, restoration and improvement of the quality of environment, water and biological resources, state geological study of the subsoil, reproduction of the mineral resource base, sustainable development of water, forest, fish and hunting farms, protected natural areas, transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to low-carbon development and “green economy” to meet the needs of current and future generations.
The main tasks of the Ministry are as follows:
- elaboration and implementation of the state policy, improvement of state control system for protection, use and reproduction of natural resources, production and consumption waste management (excluding municipal, medical, and radioactive waste), improvement of state regulation in the field of environmental protection and state environmental control, economic methods of environmental protection, control over the state policy on development of “green economy”, state geological study, reproduction of mineral resource base and provision of normative legal acts in the field of technical regulation and normative and technical documents within its competence;
- coordination of the activities of central and local executive bodies in the implementation of state policy in the field of activities within the competence of the Ministry;
- implementation of the state policy on international cooperation on issues within the competence of the Ministry;
- improvement of environmental quality, preservation and rational use of natural resources, ensuring of environmental security and achievement of a favorable level of environmentally sustainable development of the society;
- development of a system for information dissemination and outreach in the field of environmental protection and natural resources;
- intersectoral coordination on the implementation of the state policy in the field of environmental protection and use of natural resources and ensuring of the sustainable development of society;
- public administration and state control in regulated areas;
- conservation of biodiversity;
- governance and intersectoral coordination on the implementation of state policy in the field of management of water resources, forests, wildlife, and protected natural areas;
- improvement of legislation related to the management of water resources, forests, wildlife, and protected natural areas;
- improvement of the state regulation in the field of management of water resources, forests, wildlife, and protected natural areas;
- development of international cooperation in the field of management of water resources, forests, wildlife, and protected natural areas;
- state control and supervision in the field of management of water resources, forests, wildlife, and protected natural areas; and
- fulfillment of other tasks entrusted to the Ministry within its competence.
Department of Climate Policy and Green Technology
- Formation and implementation of the unified state policy and organization of development of a program on climate and protection of the ozone layer.
- Implementation of the ultimate objective and provisions of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and other international agreements and protocols in the field of climate change and ozone layer.
- Implementation of the state policy on international cooperation in the field of climate change and protection of the ozone layer.
- Ensuring of green growth in the region through technology transfer, knowledge sharing and financial support of international development institutions.
Department for Environmental Policy and Sustainable Development
- Improvement of environmental quality, conservation of natural resources and achievement of a favorable level of environmentally sustainable development in the community.
- Formation and implementation of the state policy on transition to green economy.
- Development of a system for information dissemination and awareness raising on environmental protection.
- Implementation of the state policy on international cooperation and coordination of activities of central and local executive bodies in the field of environmental protection.
Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Republican state enterprise “Committee for Environmental Regulation and Control” is an agency of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan responsible for environmental regulation and control.
The basic tasks of the Committee are:
- improving quality of the natural environment, ensuring ecological safety, preserving national resources, and achieving environmentally sustainable community;
- improving the system of state regulation on environment protection and state environmental control within its competence;
- organizing and conducting state environmental expertise in line with the existing legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- organizing, coordinating, and rating emissions and issuing environmental licenses; and
- ensuring state environmental control.
Information and Analysis Center for Environmental Protection
The Information and Analysis Center for Environmental Protection at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for management of the state fund for environmental records and the state cadaster of natural resources.
The Center’s mission is to ensure information and analytical support for the higher body in planning and implementing actions for environmental protection and ensuring citizen’s right to good environment for life and health.
Republican State Enterprise “Kazhydromet”
The Republican State Enterprise “Kazhydromet” at the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RGP “Kazhydromet”) is responsible for environmental monitoring, and meteorological and hydrological monitoring, which is conducted through the state observation network.
The mission of RGP “Kazhydromet” is to collect reliable hydrometeorological information, improve quality of hydro- and agro-meteorological predictions and of information on environmental status, collect and integrate data received from the state observation network.

JSC "Zhasyl damu"
The main mission of JSC "Zhasyl damu" is to create the conditions for the conservation, restoration and improvement of the environment.
As part of the execution of the mission have two main objectives:
- Development of the management system and work directly for the management and disposal of all types of waste (within the competence).
- Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the establishment and smooth functioning of the system of regulation and emissions trading of greenhouse gas emissions in Kazakhstan.

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Mission: create favorable conditions that will enable higher competitiveness of agro-industry and sustainable development of water, fishery, forestry, and hunting sectors through effective formulation, coordination, and implementation of public policy.
The key responsibilities of the Kazakh Ministry of Agriculture include:
- formulation of national agrarian policy, strategies, state programs and projects in controlled areas;
- establishment of a foundation for competitive agricultural production, ensuring of food security and emergency preparedness of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- information and advice support of the agro-industry;
- intersectoral coordination and governance in controlled areas;
- organizational supervision over activities of public bodies that fall under their sphere of authority;
- formation of state policy in the field of rational and effective land management;
- other tasks to be solved by the Ministry under their sphere of authority.
Committee for Land Resource Management
The Committee for Land Resource Management at the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan is responsible for implementation of the unified state policy related to land management and land relations regulation, management of geodesic and mapping activities, state control over rational use and protection of land resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Focus areas of the Committee are as follows:
- unified state policy related to land management and land relations regulation;
- scientific and technical support to geodesy, astro-geodesy, aerial and satellite survey, topography and mapping;
- land reform and arranging activities for its direct implementation;
- state control over use and protection of land, land planning and monitoring, and state land cadaster;
- facilitating the emerge and development of land market and land use rights;
- geodesic and mapping activities;
- developing a state geodesic network and geodesic control in the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- coordinating activities related to provision of state bodies with all types of survey, maps, geodesic and leveling data, mapping, engineering and geodesic, and survey work, as well as control over technology of their fulfillment; and
- developing draft regulatory and other legal acts related to land relations regulation, land management and planning, as well as geodesic, mapping and other related activities.
State Inspection Committee in the Agroindustrial complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The State Inspection Committee in Agro-Industrial Complex of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan carries out regulatory, implementation and monitoring and supervisory functions in the field of agro-industrial complex in the protection and quarantine of plants, regulation of the grain market, livestock breeding, crop production, as well as participating in the performance of strategic functions in the field of plant protection and quarantine.

Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the central republican executive body, which is responsible for formulation and implementation of the relevant national policy, governance in oil-and-gas and petrochemical industry, hydrocarbon fuel transportation, public regulation of oil production, gas production and supply, electric energy, coal mining, nuclear power engineering, environmental protection, control and supervision over natural resources use, solid waste management, renewables development, and green economy promotion.
Its mission is to develop fuel-energy production for higher competitiveness and national and energy security, meet growing economic needs for energy carriers, build scientific and technological capacities for better energy use, create conditions for environmental conservation, restoration, and improvement, and facilitate transition of the Republic to low-carbon and green economy to the benefits of the present and future generations.

Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of National Economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state executive body, which is responsible for governance in the following areas:
- strategic planning, tax and budget policy, customs policy, public and government-backed lending and debt, public-private partnership, state investment projects, competition and anti-monopolistic activity, international economic and financial relations, including regulation of economic integration and trade, control of state assets, including improvement of the quality of corporate governance, development of public governance system, formulation of public policy in the area of public services, mobilization, migration, and state material assets reserve;
- regional development, promotion and support of the private sector, architecture and building spheres, housing and public utilities; state regulation in the area of water supply and sanitation, power, heat, and gas supply to settlements, land resource management; geodetic and mapping activity;
- competition and anti-monopolistic activity in the markets, control and regulation of activities related to public monopoly, as well as as part of intersectoral coordination and other executive, licensing and control functions;
- regulation and control in the area of natural monopolies and in regulated markets, except for telecommunication and postal communication, based on the Kazakh law, and control and regulation of the activities of energy producers and suppliers according to the Kazakh law on electric energy;
- state statistical activities;
- protection of consumer’s rights, ensuring of sanitary-epidemiological well-being of population, control and supervision over observance of technical rules and regulations concerning products and services provided for consumers, as well as in relation to food safety during selling.
Republican State Enterprise “Scientific-Production Center for Land Cadaster”
The Republican State Enterprise with the right of economic management - “Scientific-Production Center for Land Cadaster” (RGP NPCzem) - reports to the Committee for Construction, Housing, Utilities, and Land Management at the Kazakh Ministry of National Economy.

The Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Bureau of National Statistics is an institution of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which, within the Agency's competence, carries out implementation functions on state statistical activities and other functions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The mission of the Bureau is the elaboration and implementation of state policy in the field of state statistics, aimed at meeting the needs of society, the state and the international community in official statistical information.
The main objectives of the Bureau:
- formation of statistical methodology;
- implementation of statistical activities in accordance with the principles of state statistics;
- meeting the needs of society, state and international community in official statistical information;
- implementation of other tasks assigned to the Bureau.

Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan implements the state policy in the fields of information, philanthropy, volunteering, mediation, religion, interfaith and interethnic tolerance, modernization of public consciousness, and coordinates national youth and family policy, interaction between the state and civil society.
Committee of Information
The Information Committee is an agency of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan executing regulatory, realizable and supervisory functions and participating in execution of strategic functions of the Ministry in the field of information.
The mission of the Committee is to establish and implement the effective national policy in the field of information for the purpose of information and communications complex development.
The goals of the Committee:
- participation in implementation of national policy in the field of mass media, TV and radio broadcasting;
- execution of public regulation in the field of TV and radio broadcasting and mass media;
- international cooperation in the field of mass media within its competence in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Ministry is engaged in the formation and implementation of the state policy in the field of digital development of the country, in the fields of innovation, communications, public services, electronic industry, as well as engaged in the development of e-government, coordination of the activities of the State Corporation "Government for Citizens", information security, aerospace industry, geodesy and cartography.
Committee of Information Security
The committee establishes public policy in the field of information security, and also maintains the level of national electronic information resources safety against external and internal threats.
Committee of Geodesy and Cartography
The Committee`s tasks include development of geodetics and mapping. The Committee`s employees coordinate activities on provision of public and private sector with maps, topographic-geodesic materials and data on land objects in graphic, digital and other formats. Moreover, the Committee supervises the issues related to satisfying the needs of industrial/transport/social/military and other economy sectors in geodetic data, and also mapping materials.

Joint-Stock Society “Kazakh Company for Electrical Grid Management” - KEGOC
The Company’s mission is to ensure reliable functioning and effective development of the Kazakh electrical grid in line with the recent engineering, economic, and ecological requirements and the occupational safety and health protection standards.

Committee of Geology and Subsurface Use at the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan
The Committee of Geology and Subsoil Use is a branch of the Ministry for Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan that fulfills regulatory, executive, and supervision functions and takes part in fulfillment of strategic functions of the Ministry in the area of geological research, rational and integrated subsoil use, and government regulation of the subsoil use.
- store, systematize, and generalize geological and other data on mineral resources;
- maintain state water cadaster in terms of groundwater;
- approve permissions on the use of drinking groundwater for the purposes other than drinking and domestic water supply in the areas with no surface water sources, but with an adequate supply of the drinking groundwater;
- approve permissions for water-protection measures aiming at prevention from groundwater depletion;
- approve the limits of the water use from the groundwater sources based on the basin schemes and the standards of the maximum permissible negative impact on the water sources;
- approve terms for location, engineering, construction, reconstruction and setting into operation of the factories and other structures along water bodies, in water-protection zones and belts;
- approve project documentation on drilling and other mining operations, projects of communication lines construction through the groundwater sources;
- issue decisions on construction, reconstruction, operation, conservation and closing down of enterprises and other installations having an impact on conditions of the groundwater sources, as well as groundwater abstraction directly from the source in case of non-centralized water supply;
- etc.
Committee for Construction, Housing, Utilities, and Land Management

Non-commercial JSC "National Agrarian Science and Educational Centre"
National agrarian science educational center (NASEC) is a single operator of sustainable interaction of scientific and educational institutions of the agrarian sphere of Kazakhstan with the state and business.
NASEC’s mission is to contribute to the innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, including the introduction of innovative approaches in agriculture for increasing the yield of breeds, the creation of demonstration sites on the basis of pilot farms for the approbation and the introduction of new technologies, the local and foreign research for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, the strengthening and further development of the scientific environment in the agrarian sphere.