2023 ← 2024

New publications

Publications are available for download at Electronic Library


“…I served both people and water…” On the 90th anniversary of Professor Viktor Abramovich Dukhovny (Collection of Memories)

in Russian

Innovations in energy: global experience. Part 5

in Russian

Water security and water resources management issues: global experience

in Russian

ICWC Bulletin No. 103

in Russian


Rakhimova M. - Studying the current hydrological and hydrochemical regime of the Amu Darya River (SIC ICWC proceedings, vol. 25)

in Russian

Climate Change: Experts' views

in Russian


Climate Change: Scientists' forecasts and adaptation methods

in Russian

Innovations in energy: global experience. Part 4

in Russian


Chembarisov E., Rakhomova M. - Syr Darya River: hydrology and hydroecology

in Russian

How the world is tackling with water challenges

in Russian

Innovations in energy: global experience. Part 3

in Russian

ICWC Bulletin No. 102

in Russian

10th World Water Forum "Water for Shared Prosperity" (May 18-25, 2024, Bali, Indonesia)

in Russian


Selected documents of international and national water law in Central Asia (SIC ICWC's Legal Collection, vol. 61)

in Russian

Innovations in energy: global experience. Part 2

in Russian

Climate Change: Overview for 2023 – first half of 2024

in Russian


Innovations in energy: global experience

in Russian

ICWC Bulletin No. 101


Results of the final expedition on the dried bed of the Aral Sea. Executive summary

Published by UNDP-Uzbekistan



ICWC Bulletin No. 100


Water security: world experience. Part 4

in Russian

Regulations on water and agriculture in the Kyrgyz Republic (December 2023 – March 2024) (SIC ICWC's Legal Collection, vol. 60)

in Russian


Water security: world experience. Part 3

in Russian


Water Yearbook: Central Asia and around the Globe 2022


Concept of Water Resources Management System Development in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2024-2030 (SIC ICWC's Legal Collection, vol. 59)

in Russian


Dolidudko A., Masumov R. - Innovative Tools for Automated Water Metering in Uzbekistan (SIC ICWC Policy briefs, vol. 6)


Yarullina Z.R. - Environmental discharge in the legislation and practice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and measures to improve them (SIC ICWC proceedings, vol. 24)

in Russian