Publications of the IWRM-Fergana Project

How to establish a Water Users Association? (2003)
442 kB
publication of IWMI
Keywords: irrigation and drainage facilities, hydrological sub-systems, water supply, organizational structure, watercourse, water management

Mechanism of effective water use in small farms which have small areas (2007)
231 kB
Keywords: water supply, water use planning, water-account, irrigation regimes, water allocation, effective water use, water distribution, water users

Soil-Reclamation Passport of Demonstration Field (2003)
498 kB
Keywords: soil temperature, cotton sowing, irrigation scheme, agricultural production, agricultural crop

Integrated Water Resources Management: Putting Good Theory into Real Practice. Central Asian Experience (2009)
Part 1 - 553 kB
Part 2 - 261 kB
Part 4 - 65 kB
Part 5 - 1955 kB
Part 6 - 3582 kB
Part 7 - 1176 kB
Keywords: ecosystem approach, taking into account water resources, information provision, advisory services

Water Productivity Improvement at the Field Level (leaflet) (2006)
1 MB
Keywords: irrigated agriculture, efficient irrigation water use and crop productivity improvement, monitoring of demonstration plots, water productivity

Introduction of advanced technologies in WUA "Akbar-Abad" (leaflet) (2006)
702 kB
Keywords: water use, irrigation network, water distribution method, water management, water use planning

Social Mobilization (leaflet) (2006)
432 kB
Keywords: hydrographic canal, water management, institutional development and capacity building, resolving disputes, effective arranging meetings, hydraulic principle ensure efficiency, equity, reliability, productivity, sustainability

SCADA system in Central Asia (leaflet) (2006)
904 kB
Keywords: pilot canals, management level for water resources, water availability, water users, equitable water distribution

Role and importance of water accounting in Associations of Water Users (leaflet) (2006)
307 kB
Keywords: hydro-post, water users associations, daily planning of water use, water users, water management

Management Information System "Ferghana" (leaflet) (2006)
374 kB
Keywords: pilot canals, hydro module, irrigation regimes, water-resources scheme, water management network, water distribution

Environmental requirements of the "IWRM-Ferghana" Project (leaflet) (2006)
955 kB
Keywords: water-supply services, water protection zones, quality water supply, water supply networks, water protection, water quality

Reclamation matters in Water Users Assossiations (leaflet) (2006)
915 kB
Keywords: irrigated lands, mineralization, drainage systems, technical statute

Hydrographization (leaflet) (2006)
180 kB
Keywords: hydrographic approach, water distribution, “administrative hydro egoism”, water deficit, improve water management, hydrographic management principle, hydrographyzation

Public participation (leaflet) (2006)
1 MB
Keywords: public participation principle, water management, water distribution process, water and land use productivity, IWRM principles, water managers

Integration of Stakeholders for Improving Water Governance (leaflet) (2006)
164 kB
Keywords: water delivers, quality of water management, water management and water governance, water distribution, drinking water supply

I. Abdullaev, M. ul Hassan, M. Yakubov: Handbook on Implementing a Time-Based Water Distribution
470 kB
publication of IWMI
Keywords: land distribution, water allocation, integrated water resources management (IWRM), rotational water distribution system, water distribution method

M. ul Hassan, N. Nizamedinkhodjaeva: Social Mobilization and Institutional Development Approach and Strategy
410 kB
publication of IWMI
Keywords: social mobilization for water management, develop irrigation service, water users and water managers, hydro-systems, improved system management

Manual on calculation and choosing the norms and elements of irrigation technique for cotton and winter wheat based on results of IWRM-Fergana project
294 kB
Keywords: productive use of irrigation water, water supply, water penetration for the irrigated lands, planning and rationing of irrigation water, irrigation technique