
Environmental laws of the Kyrgyz Republic

Forest Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (1999)

384 kB

Water Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (2004)

131 kB

The Law of Kyrgyz Republic on Interstate use of Water Bodies, Water Resources and Water Structures of Kyrgyz Republic (2001)

21 kB

Land Code of the Kyrgyz Republic (1999)

93 kB

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Administration of Agricultural Land (2001)

20 kB

Seed Law of the Kyrgyz Republic (2007)

51 kB

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Subsoil (1997)

204 kB

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic about Chemicalization and Plant Protection (1999)

157 kB

Law of the Kyrgyz Republic on Legal Protection of Breeding Achievements (1998)

267 kB
