
Environmental laws of the Azerbaijan Republic

The Forest Code of Azerbaijan Republic (1997)

155 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on Water Supply and Sewage (1999)

192 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on the Protection of Environment (1999)

143 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on protection of Atmospheric Air (2001)

143 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on Industrial and Domestic Waste (1998)

119 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on Environmental Safety (1999)

95 kB

The Law of Azerbaijan Republic on Land Fertility (1999)

114 kB

Water Code of the Azerbaijan Republic (1997)

84 kB

The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic On Making Amendments to Certain Acts of Legislation of the Azerbaijan Republic Further To Application of the Water Code of the Azerbaijan Republic (1998)

90 kB

The Resolution No. 56 of 24 March 2000 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Determination of Water Protection Zones, Sizes of Shore Protection Lines, Boundaries and Use of Water Protection Zones"

29 kB

The Resolution No. 195 of 25 September 1998 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "On the Approval of Procedures for Implementation of State Control over the Use and Protection of Water Facilities"

56 kB

The Resolution No. 77 of 1 May 2000 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic "On Approval of Rules of Referral of Specially Protected Water Objects to Individual Categories"

23 kB

Decree of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic No. 266 "On Application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic On Water Supply and Wastewater" (2000)

17 kB