

Publications of SIC ICWC

South Prearalie — New Perspectives (2003)

9,1 MB

Table of Contents

Keywords: degradation of water resources, desertification, sustainable management of land and water resources, water pollution

Economical assessment of joint and local measures for the reduction of socio-economical damage in the coastal zone of Aral Sea (2004)

3,9 MB

Keywords: mathematical model, forecast of the Aral Sea development, economical assessment, socio-economical conditions

The rehabilitation of the ecosystem and bioproductivity of the Aral Sea under conditions of water scarcity (2006)

10 MB

Keywords: calibration of mathematical model, forecast of the Aral Sea development, hydrochemistry, water diversion, water development, rehabilitation of fishery

Assessment of the Social-Economic Damage under the Influence of the Aral Sea Level Lowering for South Aral Sea coast (2001)

2364 kB

Keywords: environmental protection measures, environmental damage, restore biological productivity, preservation of artificial reservoirs

Aral Sea Basin Initiative. Towards a strategy for sustainable irrigated agriculture with feasible investment in drainage. Synthesis Report (FAO IPTRID) (2005)

3922 kB

Keywords: hydrogeology, drainage system, salinization of soil, irrigation efficiency

A. Kadyrov: Water and Ethics (Thoughts of Professional and Citizen) (2005)

413 kB

Table of Contents

V. Dukhovny: ICWC — achievements and challenges of the future: water cooperation on the way to sustainable development (2007)

1821 kB

Keywords: transboundary basins, capacity building, development of regional information systems, implementation of IWRM

Comprehensive Remote Sensing and Ground-Based Studies of the Dried Aral Sea Bed (2008)

9191 kB

Table of Contents

Keywords: Salt accumulation processes, geomorphological processes, hydrogeology, erosion prevention, ecological hazard assessment, wetland restoration

A. Fainberg, S. Zubkov: Her Majesty the Water — the Queen of Life (2006)

3,9 MB

Irrigation management for combating desertification in the Aral Sea basin. Assessment and tools (2005)  

Keywords: Irrigated agriculture, crop irrigation management, water management, water scarcity, water and land productivity analysis, drainage and salinity control

Integrated Water Resources Management: Putting Good Theory into Real Practice. Central Asian Experience (2009)

Part 1 - 553 kB

Part 2 - 261 kB

Part 4 - 65 kB

Part 5 - 1955 kB

Part 6 - 3582 kB

Part 7 - 1176 kB

Table of Contents

Keywords: ecosystem approach, taking into account water resources, information provision, advisory services, principles of IWRM, irrigation system, monitoring of water sources, water conservation techniques

Transition to Integrated Water Resources Management in Amudarya and Syrdarya Lowlands and Deltas (2005)

2791 kB

Keywords: water pollution, hydrological conditions, evaluation of water supply, irrigation and drainage infrastructure

Ways of Water Conservation (2001)

872 kB

Keywords: management of agricultural, water and land productivity, water management, water scarcity

V.A. Dukhovny. Water Resources Management in Central Asia – Achieving the Consensus between Water and Energy Sectors (2010)

804 kB

Keywords: climate change, information systems, water availability, water and land productivity, the introduction of IWRM

About automation and control system operation results at Uchkurgan waterworks, Naryn river (April 2004 – April 2005) (2005)

573 kB

Keywords: automation and control system, water supply, water account, water management effectiveness, rates of detection and elimination

Ecosystem restoration in the Syrdarya delta and Northern part of the Aral Sea (2010)

3,3 MB

Aral Sea Problems: Review and Decisions

6,85 MB

V.A. Dukhovniy, S.A. Nerozin, G.V. Stulina, G.F. Solodkiy - Programming of Crop Yields (Systems approach as applied to soil reclamation) (2015)

3,3 MB

Publications of UNECE

Strengthening Cooperation for Rational and Efficient Use of Water and Energy Resources in Central Asia (2004)

2468 kB

Keywords: regional cooperation, water and energy infrastructure, institutional and legal framework, water and energy use, cooperation in environmental protection, environmental problems

Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Newly Independent States (2003)

495 kB

Keywords: water law, public participation, environmental protection, bilateral and multilateral treaties

Strengthening Water Management and Transboundary Water Cooperation in Central Asia:the Role of UNECE Environmental Conventions (2012)

5541 kB

Keywords: water management, transboundary water cooperation, environmental conventions

First Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters in the UNECE region (2007)

15,6 MB

Keywords: improvement of the status of transboundary waters, transboundary aquifers, hydrological regime, water bodies, effects of climate change, Water Convention

Second Assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters (2011)

44,3 MB

Keywords: improvement of the status of transboundary waters, transboundary aquifers, hydrological regime, water bodies, effects of climate change, Water Convention

Guidance on Water Supply and Sanitation in Extreme Weather Events (2010)

2,47 MB

Keywords: water supply, emergency situations, climate change, sanitation

Guidance on Water and Adaptation to Climate Change (2009)

4,7 MB

Keywords: water, emergency situations, climate change, ecosystems

Transboundary Flood Risk Management: Experiences from the UNECE region (2009)

4,4 MB

Keywords: water, emergency situations, risk management, floods

River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation (2009)

1,4 MB

Keywords: water, basin commissions, transboundary cooperation

Model Provisions on Transboundary Groundwaters (2014)

3,2 MB

Keywords: groundwater, transboundary cooperation

Policy Guidance Note on the Benefits of Transboundary Water Cooperation: Identification, Assessment and Communication (2015)

2,5 MB

Keywords: transboundary cooperation, assessment

Reconciling resource uses in transboundary basins: assessment of the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus (2015)

23,4 MB

Keywords: nexus, transboundary cooperation, assessment

Principles for Effective Joint Bodies for Transboundary Water Cooperation under the Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes (2018)

924 kB

Keywords: transboundary cooperation, joint bodies, Sustainable Development Goal

Frequently Asked Questions on the 1992 Water Convention with the Road map to facilitate accession processes (2020)

10,41 MB

Keywords: transboundary cooperation, joint bodies, Water Convention

Progress on transboundary water cooperation under the Water Convention (2018)

6,63 MB

Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation. Global baseline for SDG indicator 6.5.2 (2018)

3,33 MB

Handbook on Water Allocation in a Transboundary Context (2021)

5,7 MB

Water resources allocation in a transboundary context to strengthen water cooperation between the countries of Eurasia (2021)

152,5 MB

Solutions and investments in the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus. A synthesis of experiences in transboundary basins (2021)

4,4 MB

The Water Convention: 30 years of impacts and achievements on the grounds (2022)

9 MB

The Protocol on Water and Health. Driving action on water, sanitation, hygiene and health (2022)

5 MB

Making water and sanitation affordable for all: Policy options and good practices to ensure the affordability of safe drinking water and sanitation services in the pan-European region (2022)

5 MB

Updated Strategies for Monitoring and Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters (2023)

7,3 MB

Funding and financing of transboundary water cooperation and basin development (2021)

5,8 MB

How to Accelerate the Funding and Financing of Transboundary Water Cooperation and Basin Development? Opportunities and Challenges (2023)

9,3 MB

Progress on Transboundary Water Cooperation: Mid-term status of SDG Indicator 6.5.2, with a special focus on Climate Change – 2024 (2024)

4 MB

Good Practices and Lessons Learned in Data-sharing in Transboundary Basins (2024)

15,7 MB

Summary Handbook on Water Allocation in a Transboundary Context (2023)

10,5 MB

Practical Guide for the Development of Agreements or Other Arrangements for Transboundary Water Cooperation (2021)

6,3 MB

Publications of the International Network of Basin Organizations

Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in Basins (2009)

885 kB

Handbook for Integrated Water Resources Management in the Basins of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers (2012)

7,13 MB

Water and climate change adaptation in transboundary basins: Lessons learned and good practices (2015)

14,42 MB

The Handbook for management and restoration of aquatic ecosystems in river and lake basins (2015)

9,91 MB

The handbook for the Participation of Stakeholders and the Civil Society in the Basins of Rivers, Lakes and Aquifers (2018)

2,71 MB

The Handbook on Water Information Systems. Administration, Processing and Exploitation of Water-Related Data (2018)

4,1 MB

Water Law Enforcement (2021)

3,6 MB

Basin-Connected Cities. Connecting Urban Stakeholders with their Watersheds (2021)

6 MB

Publications of GRID-Arendal / Zoi

Environment and Security: Transforming risks into cooperation - Central Asia - Ferghana / Osh / Khujand area (2005)

5,3 MB

Keywords: environmental problems, environmental degradation, predominantly agricultural, water for irrigation, water availability

Environment and Security - Transforming risks into cooperation. The Case of Central Asia and South Eastern Europe (2003)

10,7 MB

Keywords: environmental hazards, regional water cooperation, implementation of environmental components, environmental protection, water insecurity

Addressing Environmental Risks in Central Asia: Risks, Conditions, Policies, Capacities (2003)

1153 kB

Keywords: national water problems, water shortage, water management, monitoring, coordination

Environment and Security in the Amu Darya River Basin (2011)

20,8 MB

Keywords: Amu Darya River Basin, water problems, water shortage, water management, monitoring, coordination

Publications of UNESCO, WWAP / PC-CP

V. Dukhovny, V. Sokolov: Lessons on Cooperation Building to Manage Water Conflicts in the Aral Sea Basin (2003)

9,2 MB

Keywords: Information system, ecosystem dynamics, training systems, land use, water management, groundwater resources, mineralization, hydrological cycle

A.T. Wolf, S.B. Yoffe, M. Giordano: International Waters: Indicators for Identifying Basins at Risk (2003)

1174 kB

S. Vinogradov, P. Wouters, P. Jones: Transforming Potential Conflict into Cooperation Potential: The Role of International Water Law (2003)

1533 kB

Publications of International Union for Conservation of Nature

Flow: the essentials of environmental flows / M. Dyson, G. Bergkamp, J. Scanlon (2003)

2,2 MB

Keywords: water resources, river basins, river basin management, social aspects, economic aspects, legal aspects, environmental effects, guidelines

Change: adaptation of water resources management to climate change / G. Bergkamp, B. Orlando, I. Burton (2003)

1,33 MB

Keywords: climatic change, water management, river basin management

Value: counting ecosystems as water infrastructure / L. Emerton, E. Bos (2004)

1,63 MB

Keywords: ecosystems, ecosystem services, water resources, resources management, water supply, evaluation, economic aspects

Pay: establishing payments for watershed services / M. Smith, D. De Groot, D. Perrot-Maitre, G. Bergkamp (2006)

2 MB

Keywords: watershed management, water management, economic aspects, ecosystem services

Share: managing water across boundaries / C. Sadoff, T. Greiber, M. Smith, G. Bergkamp (2008)

2 MB

Keywords: water management, water resources, resources management, collaborative management, International cooperation

Rule: reforming water governance / A. Iza, R. Stein (2009)

1,65 MB

Keywords: water management, water resources, resources management, governance, environmental law

Negotiate: reaching agreements over water / J. Dore, J. Robinson, M. Smith (2010)

3,32 MB

Keywords: water management, water resources, resources management, governance, environmental law

World Water Development Reports

Water for People, Water for Life (2003)

23,36 MB

Water a Shared Responsibility (2006)

13,85 MB

Water in a a Changing World (2009)

41,7 MB

Managing Water under Uncertainty and Risk (2012)

45,9 MB

Water and Energy (2014)

8,69 MB

Vol. 2 Facing the Challenges (2014)

5,9 MB

Water for a Sustainable World (2015)

8,2 MB

Water and Jobs (2016)

12,2 MB

Wastewater: An Untapped Resource (2017)

19,4 MB

Nature-based Solutions for Water (2018)

48,5 MB

Leaving no One Behind (2019)

25,8 MB

Water and Climate Change (2020)

37,8 MB

Valuing Water (2021)

16,8 MB

Groundwater: Making the Invisible Visible (2022)

15,7 MB

Partnerships and cooperation for water (2023)

15,1 MB

Water for Prosperity and Peace (2024)

6,8 MB

Publications of Asian Development Bank

Asian Water Development Outlook 2020. Advancing Water Security across Asia and the Pacific (2020)

16,27 MB

Asian Water Development Outlook 2016. Strengthening Water Security in Asia and the Pacific (2016)

4,85 MB

Asian Water Development Outlook 2013. Measuring Water Security in Asia and the Pacific (2013)

8,43 MB

Asian Water Development Outlook 2007. Achieving water security for Asia (2007)

4957 kB

Publications of Eurasian Development Bank

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., Usmanov N., Tsukarev T., Sarsembekov T. - Investment in the Water and Energy Complex of Central Asia (2021)

4 MB

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., Usmanov N., Sarsembekov T. - Regulation of the Water and Energy Complex of Central Asia (2022)

14,3 MB

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., et al - Efficient Irrigation and Water Conservation in Central Asia (2023)

11,2 MB

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., et al - Infrastructure in Eurasia: short-term and medium-term trends (2024)

10,2 MB

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., et al - Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation in Central Asia (2024)

5 MB

Vinokurov E., Ahunbaev A., et al - The Irtysh River Basin: Transboundary Challenges and Practical Solutions (2024)

5,2 MB

Publications of different organisations

International Conference "Aral: Past, Present and Future. Two centuries of the Aral Sea investigations". Abstract of presenations (2009)

327 kB

Keywords: Water ecosystems, salinity, landscape-ecological monitoring, geoinformational mapping, regional cartographic monitoring, environmental monitoring

Volume of abstracts of the International Scientific Symposium “Water in Central Asia” (24-26 November 2010, Tashkent)

536 kB

Importance of «Altyn Asyr» Turkmen Lake in the Improvement of Ecological Conditions of the Region (the materials of the International Scientific Conference, March 24–25, 2010)

4837 kB Part 1

1706 kB Part 2

Keywords: desertification, drainage channel, agricultural infrastructure, ecosystem, environmental protection

World Experience and Advanced Technologies of Rational Use of Water Resources (Theses of the International Conference, Ashgabat, April 2-4, 2010)

7903 kB

Keywords: water policy, the international water cooperation, water management, IWRM principles, water saving

Regional Water Intelligence Report Central Asia (2010)

877 kB

Past Experience and Future Challenges. Cooperation in Shared Water Resources in Central Asia (2002)

992 kB

“Transboundary Environmental Problems of Middle Asia: Application of the International Legal Mechanisms for Their Solution” // Proceedings of the International Conference (2010)

2073 kB

Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan (2011)

11.48 MB

Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan (2018)

50.69 MB

Second edition

Preparation and publishing of the book was supported by Agency of IFAS

Global International Waters Assessment: Aral Sea (2005)

9.43 MBB

Water - Critical Resource for Uzbekistan’s Future (2007)

2,84 MB


Resource Efficiency: Economics and Outlook for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia / T. Hak, J. Kovanda, J. West , F. Krausmann (2013)

5,8 MB


Financing Climate Change Adaptation in Transboundary Basins: Preparing Bankable Projects (2019)

1,7 MB

The World Bank

Overview of the use and management of water resources in Central Asia (2020)

4,5 MB


Irrigation in the countries of the former Soviet Union in figures (1997)

7 MB


Modernizing irrigation in Central Asia: concept and approaches. Directions in Investment / Dankova R., Burton M., Salman M., Clark A.K., Pek E. (2022)

4,24 MB

FAO and The World Bank