Indicators of Sustainable Development for Central Asia Countries
Kazakhstan - Atmospheric air
National reports, strategies and action plans
Second National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2009)
Emission of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4, Nox...), mln.t/year
Carbonic gas - CO2, mln. tn/year
Methane - CH4, thousand tn/year
Carbon oxide - CO, thousand tn/year
Emission of sulfur oxides (thousand tn/year)
Emission of nitrogen oxides Nox, thousand tn/year
Consumption of ozone depleting substance, tn/year
Ambient concentration of air pollutants, mg/cu.m
Particulate matter
Sulphur dioxide - SO2
Nitrogen dioxide - NO2
Nitrogen oxide - NO
Carbon oxide - CO
Greenhouse gas emission per capita, tn
Expenditures on air pollution abatement (% of GDP)
Participation in treaties and conventions
Development of national air quality standards and emission standarts for stationary as well as mobile sources