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ECE/MP.WAT/WG.2/2007/10 Assessment of the status of transboundary waters in the UNECE region. Updates and additions to the preliminary assessments of transboundary waters in the EECCA region (Aral Sea basin, other basins in Central Asia, Black Sea basin)
ECE/MP.WAT/2006/16/Add.2 Preliminary assessment of the status of Transboundary rivers discharging into the Caspian Sea and their Major Transboundary Tributaries
ECE/MP.WAT/2006/16/Add.4 Preliminary assessment of transboundary rivers in the Aral Sea basin and their major transboundary tributaries
ECE/MP.WAT/2006/16/Add.5 Preliminary assessment of other Major Transboundary rivers in Central Asia originating in or flowing through EECCA countries
ECE/MP.WAT/2006/16/Add.6 Preliminary assessment of Transboundary rivers in Eastern Europe and the Caucasus Discharging into the Black Sea and their Major Transboundary Tributaries