Selected bibliography / Papers
Irrigation and Development of the Dzhizak Steppe (1976)
Irrigation and Development of the Karshi Steppe (1976)
Karimov А., Salokhiddinov A., Gracheva I, Umurzakov R., Artykov Q. - Rethinking settlements in arid environments: case study from Uzbekistan (2019)
Mirzabaev A., Goedecke J., Dubovyk O., Djanibekov U., Le Q., Aw-Hassan A. - Economics of Land Degradation in Central Asia (2016)
Toderich K., Shuyskaya E., Ismail S., Gismatullina L., Radjabov T., Bekchanov B., Aralova D. - Phytogenic resources of halophytes of Central Asia and their role for rehabilitation of sandy desert degraded rangelands (2009)