Selected bibliography / Papers

Abishev I.A., Medeu A.R., Malkovskiy I.M., Toleubayeva L.S. - Water resources of Kazakhstan and their use (2016) 

Alamanov S.K. - Water resources of Kyrgyz Republic and their use (2016) 

Alimkulov S.K., Tursunova A.A., Saparova A.A., Zagidullina A.R. - Water resources of river runoff of the Southern regions of Kazakhstan: retrospective state, patterns and distribution (2016) 

Allouche J. - The governance of Central Asian waters: national interests versus regional cooperation (2007) 

Amirgaliev N.A., Askarova M.A. - Persistent organic pollution in the water of trasnboundary basins of Kazakhstan (2016) 

Arjoon D., Tilmant A., Herrmann M. - Sharing water and benefits in transboundary river basins (2016) 

Bakker M.H.N. - Trans-boundary river floods and institutional capacity (2009) 

Building River Dialogue and Governance 

Burchi S. - A comparative review of contemporary water resources legislation: trends, developments and an agenda for reform (2012) 

Chembarisov E.I., Chembarisova E.I. - Contemporary status of surface water quality of the Aral Sea basin (1999) 

Ceci P. - Tajikistan: Lake Sarez and the Pamir Mountains (2007) 

Conti K. - Groundwater in the Sustainable Development Goals. IGRAC Position Paper 1. Including Groundwater in the Draft Goals (2015) 

Conti K. - Groundwater in the Sustainable Development Goals. IGRAC Position Paper 2. Emphasizing Groundwater in the Negotiation of the Final Goals (2015) 

Dostai Zh.D., Dostayeva A. Zh. - Resources of river runoff of Kazakhstan (2016) 

Dinar S., Katz D., De Stefano L., Blankespoor B. - Climate Change, Conflict, and Cooperation. Global Analysis of the Resilience of International River Treaties to Increased Water Variability (2014) 

Dietz A.J., Conrad C., Kuenzer C. Gesell G., Dech S. - Identifying Changing Snow Cover Characteristics in Central Asia between 1986 and 2014 from Remote Sensing Data (2014) 

Eckstein G.E. - Managing buried treasure across frontiers: the international Law of Transboundary Aquifers (2011) 

Eckstein G., Eckstein Y. - A Hydrogeological Approach to Transboundary Ground Water Resources and International Law (2003) 

Eckstein G., Eckstein Y. - International Water Law, Groundwater Resources and the Danube Dam Case (1998) 

Eckstein G. - A Hydrogeological Perspective of the Status of Ground Water Resources Under the UN Watercourse Convention (2005) 

Eckstein G. - Commentary on the U.N. International Law Commission's Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (2007) 

Eckstein Y., Eckstein G. - Transboundary Aquifers: Conceptual Models for Development of International Law (2005) 

Eckstein G. - Managing Buried Treasure Across Frontiers: The International Law of Transboundary Aquifers (2011) 

Eckstein G. - Hydrologic Reality: International Water Law and Transboundary Groundwater Resources (1998) 

Endo K., Sugai T., Haraguchi T., Chiba T. et al - Lake Level Change and Environmental Evolution during the Last 8000 Years Mainly based on Balkhash Lake Cores in Kazakhstan, Central Eurasia (2012) 

Fan Sh. - Hydraulic Risk of Flood Disaster Reduction at Dams (1992) 

Fuentes X. - The Utilization of International Groundwater in General International Law 

Gentine P., Troy T.J., Lintner B.R., Findell K.L. - Scaling in Surface Hydrology: Progress and Challenges (2012) 

Gebreegziabher G.A., Degefa S., Furi W., Legesse G. - Evolution and concept of environmental flows (e-flows): meta-analysis (2023) 

Gerlak A.K. - One Basin at a Time: The Global Environment Facility and Governance of Transboundary Waters (2016) 

Groundwater Quality. A Strategic Approach (World Bank Policy Brief) (2022) 

Ground Water and Surface Water A Single Resource / T.C. Winter, J.W. Harvey, O. L.Franke, W.M. Alley (1998) 

Giordano M.A., Wolf A.T. - Sharing Waters: Post-Rio International Water Management (2003) 

Gruber F.E., Mergili M. - Regional-scale analysis of high-mountain multi-hazard and risk in the Pamir (Tajikistan) with GRASS GIS (2013) 

Hagg W., Mayer C., Lambrecht A., Kriegel D., Azizov E. - Glacier changes in the Big Naryn basin, Central Tian Shan (2012) 

Hearns G. - Structured Decision Making and Evaluating Process Mechanisms that Facilitate Cooperation for International Water Resources (2006) 

Inelova Z.A., Zayadan B.K., Aitzhan M. U., Zaparina Ye.G., Yedilova A.K. - The study of saline and soda lakes of Kazakhstan (review) (2020) 

Jalilov Sh.-M., Varis O., Keskinen M. - Sharing Benefits in Transboundary Rivers: An Experimental Case Study of Central Asian Water-Energy-Agriculture Nexus (2015) 

Karamoldoev J.J., Kalashnikova O.J. - Forecast of water inflow into Toktogul reservoir during vegetation period (2014) 

Karymsakova Ê. - Water problems in Central Asia (2017) 

Kalashnikova O.J. - Change in long-term climate characteristics and flow rates of the upper Naryn river in vegetation period (effect of climate changes on the upper Naryn river flow in vegetation period) (2013) 

Kostianoy A,G., Lebedev S.A., Solovyov D.M. - Satellite monitoring of water resources in Turkmenistan (2011) 

Khamidov M. - About principles of transboundary water resources joint use and management in Syrdarya river basin under current political-economic conditions of Central Asian region (2005) 

Klotz O. - Earthquake of February 18, 1911 (2011) 

Kulmatov R., Soliev I. - The Modern Problems of Monitoring, Pollution and Management of the Transboundary Rivers of Aral Sea basin (2010) 

Knoche M., Merz R., Lindner M., Weise S.M. - Bridging Glaciological and Hydrological Trends in the Pamir Mountains, Central Asia (2017) 

Lall U., Josset L., Russo T. - A Snapshot of theWorld’s Groundwater Challenges (2020) 

Lloret A. - The Value of Informal Agreements in Transboundary Water Resources as an Adaptive Management Mechanism (2006) 

Lutz A.F., Immerzeel W.W., Gobiet A., Pellicciotti F., Bierkens M.F.P. - New climate change scenarios reveal uncertain future for Central Asian glaciers (2012) 

Marshall S.J. - Surface Water (2013) 

Matsuyama H., Kezer K. - Long-term Variation of Precipitation around Lake Balkhash in Central Asia from the End of the 19th Century (2009) 

Meng F., Khan M.I., Naqvi S.A.A. et al. - Identification and mapping of groundwater recharge zones using multi influencing factor and analytical hierarchy process (2024) 

Moser D.A. - The Use of Risk Analysis by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (2001) 

Mukhabbatov H.M. - Problems of formation and use of water resources of Tajikistan (2016) 

Nazirov A.A. - Organization types of transboundary cooperation in the world water practice (2005) 

Nysanbayev Ye.N., Medeu A.R., Tursunova A.A. - Water resources of Central Asia: calls and threats, the problem of use (2016) 

Oldham R.D. - The Pamir Earthquake of 18th February, 1311 (1922) 

Osmonov A., Bolch T., Xi C., Kurban A., Guo W. - Glacier characteristics and changes in the Sary-Jaz River Basin (Central Tien Shan, Kyrgyzstan) – 1990–2010 (2013) 

Peachey E.J. - The Aral Sea Basin Crisis and Sustainable Water Resource Management in Central Asia (2004) 

Rakhmatullaev S., Huneau F., Bakiev M., Motelica-Heino M., Le Coustumer P. - Sedimentation of reservoirs in Uzbekistan: a case study of the Akdarya Reservoir, Zerafshan River Basin (2009) 

Rakhmatullaev S., Huneau F., Le Coustumer P., Motelica-Heino M., Bakiev M. - Facts and Perspectives of Water Reservoirs in Central Asia: A Special Focus on Uzbekistan (2010) 

Rakhmatullaev S., Huneau F., Celle-Jeanton H., Le Coustumer P., Motelica-Heino M. - Water reservoirs, irrigation and sedimentation in Central Asia: a first-cut assessment for Uzbekistan (2013) 

Rieu-Clarke A., Moynihan A., Magsig, B.-O. - Transboundary water governance and climate change adaptation: International law, policy guidelines and best practice application (2015) 

Sadoff C.W., Grey D. - Beyond the river: the benefits of cooperation on International River (2002) 

Scaletta M., Mesania F., Osterle J.P., Deible J. - Regulatory framework for dam safety- comparative assessment (2012) 

Shnitnikov A.V. - Water balance variability of lakes Aral, Balkhash, Issyk-Kul and Chany (1973) 

Transboundary Water Cooperation. A BMZ Position Paper (2006) 

Tesch N., Thevs N. - Wetland Distribution Trends in Central Asia (2020) 

Uitto J.I., Duda A. M. - Management of transboundary water resources: lessons from international cooperation for conflict prevention (2002) 

Veilleux J. - The Human Security Dimensions of Dam Development: The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (2013) 

Vinogradov S., Langford V.P.E. - Managing transboundary water resources in the Aral Sea Basin: in search of a solution (2001) 

Wang Q., Li S., Jia P., Qi C., Ding F. - A Review of Surface Water Quality Models (2013) 

Wahyuni S., Oishi S., Sunada K., Toderich K.N., N.E Gorelkin - Analysis of water-level fluctuations inAydarkul-Arnasay-Tuzkan Lake System and its impacts on the surrounding groundwater level (2009) 

Yamada Ch. - Codification of the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (Groundwaters) by the United Nations (2011) 

Yoffe S., Fiske G. - Use of GIS for analysis of indicators of conflict and cooperation over international freshwater resources (2002) 

Zhao G., Liu S., Deng H., Tang Q., Zhang C., Su Y. - Identifying drivers of storage dynamics of lakes and reservoirs in the arid Central Asia (2025)