Selected bibliography / Monographs and brochures

Abu-Zeid M., Shiklomanov I.A. - Water resources as a challenge of the Twenty-First Century (2003)
Aguilar G., Iza A. - Governance of Shared Waters. Legal and Institutional Issues (2011)
Arsenyev, G.S. Framework of reservoirs water resources management [in Russian] (2003)
Assessment of the Syrdarya river water resources and in-channel balance [in Russian] (2011)
An Evaluation on the Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary Aquifers (2012)
Creating Wetlands within Reservoirs (2013)
Dore J., Robinson J., Smith M. - Negotiate: reaching agreements over water (2010)
Destination Wetlands. Supporting sustainable tourism (2012)
Dam Safety in Central Asia: Capacity-Building and Regional Cooperation (2007)
Dam Safety Review Kosovo (2012)
Dams Sector: Estimating Loss of Life for Dam Failure Scenarios (2011)
Dams Sector: Estimating Economic Consequences for Dam Failure Scenarios (2011)
Davydov, L.K. Fluctuation of the water content of Central Asian rivers [in Russian] (1929)
Ecosystems and Human Well-Being: Wetlands and Water Synthesis (2005)
Hart S. (ed.) - Shared Resources: Issues of Governance (2008)
Griffin P. - The Ramsar Convention: A new window for environmental diplomacy? (2012)
Groundwater for Emergency Situations. A framework document (2006)
ICID: Role of Dams for Irrigation, Drainage and Flood Control (2000)
Iljin, I.A. Water resources of the Fergana Valley [in Russian] (1959)
International Waters: Review of Legal and Institutional Frameworks (2011)
Kuzin, P.S. Cyclical fluctuation of river flows in the northern hemisphere [in Russian] (1970)
Matthews G.V.T. - The Ramsar Convention on Wetlands: its History and Development (1993)
Model Provisions on Transboundary Groundwaters (2014)
Monitoring of wetland biodiversity in Southern part of the Aral Sea 2022 (2022)
Monitoring of wetland biodiversity in Southern part of the Aral Sea 2023 (2023)
Panov, B.G. Winter regime of USSR rivers [in Russian] (1960)
Past Experience and Future Challenges. Cooperation in Shared Water Resources in Central Asia (2002)
Pyanj River Morphology and Flood Protection (2014)
Ravenscroft P., Lytton L. - Practical Manual on Groundwater Quality Monitoring (World Bank) (2022)
Regional Water Intelligence Report Central Asia (2010)
River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation (2009)
Rivers and lakes of Tajikistan [in Russian] (2003)
Report on dam safety procedures, India (1986)
Register of International Treaties and other Agreements in the Field of the Environment (UNEP, 2005)
Sarez Lake: the latest achievements and unsolved problems (2007)
Selected Texts of legal instruments in international Environmentai Law (UNEP, 2005)
Sadoff C., Greiber T., Smith M., Bergkamp G. - Share: managing water across boundaries (2008)
Stekolnikov, M.A. Water resources of Central Asia and Kazakhstan [in Russian] (1934)
Shults, V.L. Rivers of Central Asia [in Russian] (1949)
Shults, V.L. Rivers of Central Asia [in Russian] (1965)
Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams (2013)
Strategic Framework for Dam Safety Regulation (2012)
The Glaciers of Central Asia: A Disappearing Resource (2011)
Transboundary Water Cooperation in the Newly Independent States (2003)
Transboundary Cooperation Fact Sheets (2012)
Transboundary Waters: Sharing Benefits, Sharing Responsibilities (2008)
UNECE - First Assessment of Transboundary Rivers, Lakes and Groundwaters in the UNECE region (2007)
UNECE - Second Assessment of transboundary rivers, lakes and groundwaters (2011)
Value of Water – Different Approaches in Transboundary Water Management (2005)