Water diplomacy

Selected bibliography

Monographs and brochures
Griffin P. - The Ramsar Convention: A new window for environmental diplomacy? (2012)
Hydro-Diplomacy in Motion: World Water Council 2010-2012 (2012)
He Y. - The Transboundary Water Diplomacy of China: Challenges and Responses (2014)
King M. - Water, U.S. Foreign Policy and American Leadership (2013)
Leight N. - Cases in Water Diplomacy (2013)
New frontiers in science diplomacy. Navigating the changing balance of power (2010)
Participatory Water Monitoring. A Guide for Preventing and Managing Conflict (2008)
Rivers of peace. Restructuring India Bangladesh relations (2013)
The Rise of Hydro-Diplomacy. Strengthening foreign policy for transboundary waters (2014)
van Genderen R., Rood J. - Water Diplomacy: a niche for the Nethelands? (2011)
Water Cooperation for a Secure World / Focus on the Middle East (2013)
Ahmed R. S.M. - Bangladesh's water diplomacy: Crucial need for national unity and consensus (2014)
Building River Dialogue and Governance
Brochmann M., Hensel P.R. - Peaceful Management of International River Claims (2008)
Chellaney B. - Misplaced water diplomacy (2012)
Carius A., Dabelko G.D., Wolf A.T. - Water, Conflict, and Cooperation (2004)
Carroll J. E. - Water Resources Management as an Issue in Environmental Diplomacy (2010)
Cuppari R. - Water Diplomacy (2017)
Demeke M.A. - Water diplomacy or water war? Which way? (2013)
Grzybowski A. - Innovations in transboundary water management (2013)
Gyawali D. - Hydro-Diplomacy and Hydro-Investment: Linkages, Problems and Prospects in Nepal (2010)
Hukil R. - Teesta Water Accord: Expectations for Indo-Bangladesh Water Diplomacy (2013)
Isaac J. - Core Issues of the Palestinian-Israeli Water Dispute (2004)
Karaev Z. - Water Diplomacy in Central Asia (2005)
Milas S. - Ethiopia: Nile waters diplomacy and the Renaissance dam (2012)
Murthy S.L. - Can International Water Law be a Tool for Water Diplomacy? (2014)
Parker J. - Forestalling Water Wars: Returning to Our (Grass) Roots (2006)
Roul A. - India-China Hydro Diplomacy: Beyond Information (2013)
Rosenthal E., Sabel R. - Water and Diplomacy in the Jordan River Basin (2009)
So J. - A Case Study of Innovation in Water Diplomacy: The World Bank (2012)
Water and Public Diplomacy: Policy Brief (2012)
Whitaker J., Varghese A. - The Tigris-Euphrates River Basin: A Science Diplomacy Opportunity (2010)
Zeitoun M. - Hydro-Hegemony, a Framework for Analysis of Trans-boundary Water Conflicts (2006)
Environmental Diplomacy / Conference Report (1998)
Key lessons learnt on promoting water cooperation (2013)
Malhotra P. - Water Issues Between Nepal, India and Bangladesh (2010)
Preventive Diplomacy: Delivering Results (2011)
Water Security and Peace Conference Proceedings (2013)
Resolutions of the UN General Assembly
A/RES/73/127 International Day of Multilateralism and Diplomacy for Peace (2019)