Legal aspects of land reclamation and irrigated agriculture

The regulatory environment for land reclamation and irrigated agriculture is understood as a body of legal instruments aimed at efficient use and protection of irrigated land. Those legal instruments, first of all, constitute a part of land and water legislation.
Land reclamation (definitions):
1) A set of measures for improvement of land and its fertility // Short geographical dictionary
2) Thorough improvement of bad hydrological, soil and other characteristics of land for most effective use of the latter …// Contemporary encyclopedia
Irrigated agriculture (definitions):
1) Farming, where artificial irrigation is applied // Financial dictionary
2) Growing crops under irrigation. One of most intensive types of farming in desert, semi-desert and arid zones, as well as in areas that suffer from lack of water in some periods of growing season // Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Sources (in Russian):
Melioratsia / Slovari and entziklopedii na Akademike
Oroshayemoye zemledeliye
Oroshayemoye zemledeliye / Slovari and entziklopedii na Akademike
Author: Rysbekov Yu. Kh., SIC ICWC