Inter-basin flow transfer

Flow transfer is a change in natural route of river flow by discharging it into another catchment via hydraulic structures.
Transfer of river flow from one basin to another one can have both positive and negative effects on water use. In order to avoid negative consequences, a holistic approach is needed to this very important issue.
Non-recoverable diversion of surface runoff includes consumptive water use by domestic sector, industry, thermal power, rural water supply, irrigation and commercial fisheries, taking into account losses through evaporation, inter-basin flow transfers, etc. Evaluation of non-recoverable diversion of runoff is made for outlet sections of rivers.
Re-distribution of water resources is a large-scale transfer of flow in large rivers to long distances from water abundant areas to water scarce areas. The re-distribution task is associated with a wide circle of environmental problems relevant for both source area and flow dispersion area.
Spatial re-distribution of surface runoff leads to consolidation and complication of water-management systems.
Source: Nikitin D.P., Novikov Yu.V. Environment and Human:
Tutorial for university students - M.: Vystshaya shkola, 1980 - 424 pp.