About project

Central Asia Regional Water Information Base Project (CAREWIB) aims at the improvement of information provision in water and environmental sectors in Central Asian countries in order to promote transparency openness and foster public support for rational natural resources use.
The project implements by SIC ICWC in Tashkent with support from UNECE and UNEP/GRID-Arendal with financial support of Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).
Results of Phase I (December 2003 - December 2006)
1. A regional water information portal CAWater-Info created. It provides user friendly on-line information and links maintained elsewhere;
2. The Information System on Water and Land Resources in the Aral Sea basin (CAREWIB) created for supporting the decision-making processes in the water sector in Central Asia. The main task of the Information System is to develop a common tool for accounting water and land resources in the Aral Sea basin with a capability to assess different aspects of the efficiency of water and land use and for forecasting. The system gives an opportunity to permanently assess water use efficiency for all participants of joint management and specify non-productive water intake. The Information System is designed for general use by all basin states and it enhances the sense of trust, solidarity and responsibility among partners;
3. A series of hard copy publications based on information available through the portal and targeting specific user groups (policy and decision makers, the general public and young people) is prepared and distributed in the Central Asian countries;
4. The capacity of the Central Asian countries to provide timely water related information to ICWC for decision making and further dissemination is increased by setting up a permanent network of regional correspondents;
5. Twelve oblast-level water organisations are able to process, report and communicate information in a digital form through providing technology for electronic communication and data processing in five Central Asian states.
Publications of project