9th World Water Forum Framework for Action (with related SDG targets)

1. Water Security and Sanitation
1.A. Implement the Right to Water and Sanitation and provide access to safe water and sanitation in emergency situations (6.1, 6.2,1.4, 11.1)
1.B. Improve water quality and waste management (6.3 11.6 12.4, 12.5)
1.C. Reduce water-related illness and deaths (3.9, 3.3, 3.2)
1.D. Protect and restore ecosystems and forests, including coastal and marine impacts, and combat desertification (6.6 14.1, 14.2, 15.1, 15.3)
1.E. Halt the loss of aquatic biodiversity and invasive species in water ecosystems (15.5 15.8, 15.9)
1.F. Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate change and natural disasters (13.1, 11.5, 1.5, 11.B, 13.3)
2. Rural Development
2.A. Ensure universal access to water (in rural areas) (6.1, 1.4)
2.B. Ensure universal access to sanitation and hygiene (in rural areas) (6.2, 1.4)
2.C. Provide public water, sanitation and hygiene facilities (schools, healthcare facilities, etc.) (4.A 5.1, 4.5, 3.3,3.9, 6.1)
2.D. Ensure sustainable agricultural practices, including water productivity and efficiency, reduction of diffuse pollution, and decreased food losses (2.3, 2.4, 12.3, 6.3, 6.4, 6.6, 14.1, 14.2)
2.E. Engage and empower rural communities to be the drivers of social-economic development through water (8.2, 5.4, 5.A, 1.4, 2.A)
2.F. Harmonize the rural-urban divide to curb migration (11.A, 10.7, 11.3)
3. Cooperation
3.A. Implement IWRM at all levels (6.5)
3.B. Implement transboundary cooperation to foster peace and prevent conflicts (6.5, 6.A)
3.C. Expand international cooperation, including ODA, and capacity building to foster peace (6.A,17.2, 16A, 10.B)
3.D. Enhance cooperation on multipurpose infrastructure, including hydropower (7.A, 7.B, 1.A, 9.1, 9.4, 9.A)
3.E. Enhance North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation on data and information sharing, and capacity building (17.6, 12.8, 16.10, 17.9, 17.18)
3.F. Enhance multi-stakeholder dialogue and partnerships, including with outside sectors (17.16, 17.17)
4. Means & Tools (Transversal theme that relates to all other priorities)
4.A. Mobilize additional financial resources and promote innovative funding (17.3, 2.A)
4.B. Implement the principles of good water governance, including participatory decision-making (6.5, 6.B, 16.7, 5.5, 17.18)
4.C. Foster a water-sensitive approach to legislation and regulation (10.3, 5.C)
4.D. Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels and promote integrity (10.6, 16.6, 17.15)
4.E. Increase water efficiency and sustainable management through science, technology, innovation and education (6.4, 12.2, 8.4, 17.7, 17.8, 5.B, 4.3, 9.5, 12.A)