Work Package (WP V): Building capacity

Activity V.1 Capacity development activities for policy makers from planning and sectoral ministries in the region

Сontributing implementing partner

Description of Activities:

SIC ICWC contributes to the preparation and organisation of capacity development activities on the nexus for policy makers from planning and sectoral ministries in the region, and experts and representatives from non-state actors.

SIC ICWC’s contribution may include its participation in discussion on, and support for identification of, focus areas of the capacity development activities, material to be used for training, relevant invitees, venues and administrative support staff, among others. SIC ICWC contributes to this Activity on capacity development also by participating in capacity development events, make presentations, and/or provide training.

SIC ICWC also supports the OECD in monitoring of the number of participants in the capacity development activities, who expressed that they improved expertise about good practice and lessons on the nexus in the region.