Work Package (WP III): Operationalising the nexus
Activity III.2 Recommendations on a financing mechanism for Central Asia Water-Energy co-ordination
Lead implementing partner
Description of Activities:
SIC ICWC will assess the need for a financing mechanism for Water-Energy Coordination in Central Asia to support more efficient and flexible exchange of water and energy, in consultation with the OECD and, as appropriate, with UNECE. The assessment also provides recommendations on options, possible structures and/or operation models of the mechanism. Both assessment and recommendations will be developed with feedback from partner governments on political and technical feasibility of the concept, the demand for such a mechanism and views on approaches to operationalisation of the mechanism.
Activity III.3. A modelling framework to quantify benefits of regional co-operation on the energy-water-land use nexus
Lead implementing partner
Description of Activities:
SIC ICWC, in cooperation with the OECD, will develop an analytical study that provides a modelling framework to quantify economic benefits of regional co-operation on the energy-water-land use nexus in Central Asia, and/or economic consequences of the lack of co-operation. The modelling framework will aim to enhance awareness among senior-level policy makers on benefits and opportunities at stake. Drafts of the modelling framework will be disseminated to relevant regional policy makers and researchers in Central Asia, including national experts of SIC ICWC, for feedback. The OECD contribution may include its participation in discussions on scenario development, identification of policy relevant messages and recommendations for reform.
Activity III.4 Analysis of economic and financial instruments that support development of climate resilient infrastructure
Сontributing implementing partner
Description of Activities:
SIC ICWC, as appropriate and subject to agreement with the OECD, may provide input to the OECD’s analytical work on economic and financial instruments in support of climate resilient infrastructure. Such input may include providing feedback on proposed policy recommendations and toolkits to be developed by the OECD, and provision of information about current different economic and financial instruments that support development of climate resilient infrastructure in Central Asia. SIC ICWC in coordination with the OECD will also prepare a study of proposed public-private partnership models that might be applicable for the water sector in the Central Asian countries, as appropriate. The study would inform discussion under this activity (III.4) led by the OECD. The role of SIC ICWC could also include identification of relevant regional policy makers and non-state actors, including academia, in Central Asia, from whom the OECD may obtain feedback on its draft outputs.
Activity III.6 A Nexus Mainstreaming Toolkit (or “Nexus Profiles”)
Lead implementing partner
Description of Activities:
SIC ICWC in consultation with the OECD will develop at least five practical toolkits. The toolkits will include analysis and recommendations on where opportunities to integrate the nexus considerations into mandates, sectoral goals and/or functions of relevant ministries and agencies exist (“Nexus Profiles”). Building on work under Activities II.1 and II.2 as relevant, SIC ICWC will collect more detailed information on the functions of those ministries and agencies, including policy and strategy, planning, regulation, service delivery, budgeting, information flows, monitoring and evaluation, and reporting, in order to identify areas for mainstreaming of the nexus considerations.
Activity III.7 Toolkits with a focus on remote sensing data for water, land, energy use
Lead implementing partner
Description of Activities:
SIC ICWC will develop two toolkits that aim to provide practical support to day-to-day activities by the users of remote sensing data for water, land, energy use, with a focus on (e.g.) hydro module zoning, adjusting crop irrigation regimes, multiple water use planning in agro-cluster.