Resorces: Tools and models

Analysis of water-related situation in river basins of Amudarya and Syrdarya
Analytical reviews give possibility to assess water management situation of the Amudarya and Syrdarya Rivers and their sections and one can see the followings:
- scheduled (predicted) and actual parameters of tributaries, releases, reservoir storage, water withdrawals;
- deviation of the scheduled (predicted) water availability for water intake from the actual one.
Database and a set of developed models enables each of the participants (water management, planning and other authorities of Central Asian countries, as well BWOs) to predict their development options for the future and the release mode and water allocation in the current situation, for assessment of impact of their activity on other countries and some planning zones. At the same time an efficiency of water use by each participant of joint water management can be assessed at any time, and the unproductive water withdrawal can be determined.
Regular information on the natural water resources and their prediction, the comparison of the on-line predicted and actual data on the water resources use and channel balances of major rivers of the region makes it possible to improve water resources management and builds trust, unity and responsibility between countries and economic sectors.
Existing data for the period 1991 - present is being replenished in each ten-day period.
Developer / support
SIC ICWC, BWO Amudarya, BWO Syrdarya

The Regional Information System on Water and Land Resources in the Aral Sea Basin (CAWater-IS)
The regional information system on water and land resources in the Aral Sea Basin was designed to support decision-making process addressing water sector.
The main objective - to serve as common tool for accounting land and water resources in the Aral Sea basin dynamics aiming assessment of diverse aspects of their use and effectiveness. It should facilitate sustainable management and control of water resources use.
The system gives an opportunity to steadily evaluate water effectiveness in all uses and specify the non-productive losses.
The information system shared by all riparian states that encourages confidence, solidarity and sense of mutual responsibility. Available data series since 1980 (time interval: year/season/month).
The most completed water-related database includes more than 150 parameters.
Developer / support
English, Russian

The Aral Sea Basin Management Model (ASBmm)
The main objective of the Aral Sea Basin Management Model (ASBmm) is to enable decision-makers to evaluate correctness and timeliness of the made decision, and also to show, what consequences it can cause.
This is achieved by “playing out” various versions of development of Aral Sea basin countries separately as well as the entire region for defining the possibility of economic and social development in the future, taking into account available water resources use and Aral Sea and Priaralie ecological requirements satisfaction.
ASBmm – the Aral Sea basin model is unique in terms of completeness and coverage of processes and tendencies that take place in the national water sectors in the basin.
Developer / support
English, Russian

WUEMoCA - Water Use Efficiency Monitor in Central Asia
WUEMoCA is a tool which visualizes information on irrigated areas within the contours (oblast, rayon) and yield results of the major crops (cotton, rice, wheat, vegetables, and fruits) based on accessible remote sensing (MODIS 250 m) and meteorological data.
Developer / support
English, Russian