Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Experimental plot of close horizontal drainage in “Uzbekistan” farm

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Khorezm oblast, Khiva rayon, “Uzbekistan” farm


70.03.21; 70.21.39

Rubric (SIC ICWC); 01.45

Project duration


Project manager

V.G. Nasonov., SPA SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4/11


Investigations related to salt control on a base of artificial drainability increase by means of different depth close horizontal drainage construction and leaching irrigation regime conduction; close drainage parameters grounding, providing minimal reclamation and technical- economic efficiency in combination with leaching irrigation regime; soil water salt regime management under conditions of AmuDarya low reaches.

Climate is sharply continental. Relief is flat.

Soils structure corresponds to loam, slightly (73%) and strongly (13%) saline.

Experimental plot area -129,6 ha.

Irrigation net is flume, efficiency -0,86

Drainage system - close horizontal,

Close horizontal drains from polyethylene pumps with circular winding from artificial protective-filtering material and additional shrouding are constructed. Close horizontal drainage parameters are scenically grounded. Recommendations on soil water salt regime management on a background of close horizontal drainage are given.

Key words

leaching; horizontal drainage; mineralization; ground water regime; water salt balance; cotton


1. Author - O. Eshchanov

Title - “ soil water salt regime formation under influence of close horizontal drainage, SANIIRI, 1994

2. Authors - V.A. Dukhovny., T. Djalilova., O. Eshchanov

Title - “Some directions for reclamation improvement under Khorezm conditions”, SANIIRI, 1994