Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Experimental plot of close horizontal drainage in ¹5 “U. Gagarin” farm of new zone of Hungry Steppe

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Sh. Rashidov  rayon, ¹5 “Gagarin” farm.


70.03.21; 70.21.39

Rubric (SIC ICWC); 01.45

Project duration


Project manager

G.R. Klimova., SPA SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4/11


Investigations related to development of complex measures on soil water salt regime management by means of effective leaching technology and technique on a background of systematic close horizontal drainage, strengthened by open drainage; ground of reclamation efficiency of two stage leaching of hardly reclamation strongly saline soils and its conduction technology development.

Soils are sierozem - meadow. Soil structure corresponds to medium and heavy loam, saline, chloride-sulfat type.

Ground water salinity -(40-60 g/l), chloride-sulfate-magnesium- sodium type.

Experimental plot area is 78 ha.

Leaching is conducted by two variants: two stage and flooding (control) under the same parameters of close horizontal drainage by depth 3-3,5m.

Constant observations on ground water regimes, drainage flow dynamic, water supply, salinity  are conducted.

According to investigations results scientific ground of complex measures on soil water salt regime management, two stage leaching efficiency on a background of drainage is given. Calculation method and two stage leaching conduction technology in conditions of Hungry Steppe are developed.   

Key words

soils saline; leaching; desalinization; productivity; irrigation water; water salt balance; cotton


Author -G.R. Klimova

Title- “Hydro-dynamic characteristics of filtration flow and filtration rate field on drain spacing of temporal drain under hard reclamation lands leaching”

“Irrigated lands water salt balance regulation”, SANIIRI, 1986.

Hydro-dynamic characteristic of filtration flow by leaching variants is considered. Curves of filtration rate distribution on drain spacing of temporal drain in field conditions are obtained and its conformity to calculated is showen.