Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Experimental-production plots of lands leaching by systems of closed and open drainage in Tytov's state farm #6 of new Hunger steppe zone.

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Syrdarya oblast, Sh. Rashidov rayon, Tytov's state farm #6.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Baturin G.E., SPA SANIIRI The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Studies are dedicated to development of secondary saline lands by summer capital leaching on background of rice crop, intensification of permanent closed drainage drainability by temporary drainage, establishment of water-salt regimes formation dynamics of leached lands, workability of permanent closed drainage and temporary drains, flooded areas impact on adjacent ar­eas as well as lands reclamation state maintenance. Climate is continental. Relief is smooth, planned. Lands of EPP were in agricultural crop rotation, but they were estranged because of intensive processes of secondary salinization. Soils - serozem-meadow, salt spots, chloride-sulfate type. Ground water - on depth 1.6-2.8 m, salinity degree 24-42 g/1, sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate type. EPP area (net) for leaching is 25 ha (1966), 50 ha (1967), 29 ha (1968) Irrigation network - flume, efficiency 0.95-0.98. Water allocation in checks from earthen channels, efficiency 0.8-0.85. Collector-drainage network open collectors, closed drains with depth 2.2-3.8 m, temporary drains - 0.6-1.0 m. EPP is equipped by observation devices. Leaching was carried out in summer period through rice sowing under per­manent water supply to maintain permanent layer in checks. Main result of studies is introduction of about 1.8 th. ha strongly saline lands in agricultural rotation according to developed recommendations. Capital leaching costs are compensated at the expense of rice production, which crop yield capacity is 4.0-5.3 t/ha. Cotton crop yield capacity on leached lands - 2.4-2.8 t/ha.

Key words

Saline soils leaching; closed drainage; soils desalinization; salinity; ground water; rice; cotton.


1. Authors - Ramazanov V.A., Lazaridis V., Baturin G.E. Title - "Summer leaching of lands on background of rice crop" "Agriculture of Uzbekistan", 1969, #5 Results of studies of water balance formation, ground water re­gime, salt content in soils under saline lands leaching are given. 2. Authors - Yakubov Kh.I., Ramazanov V.A., Lazaridis V., Baturin G.E. Title: "Experience of saline lands leaching through rice sowing in Hunger steppe" Results of field experimental studies of soil water-salt regime for­mation   under  leaching and  their agricultural  use  are given. Changes of drainage and ground waters salinity, soil salinity are shown. Feasibility study of rice crop use under leaching is given.