Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Water use improvement and soil water-salt regime management on the background of horizontal drainage

Project location

The Republic of Kazakhstan, South-Kazakhstan oblast, Turkestan rayon, "Timiryazev" state farm


70.03.21; 70.21.39

Rubric (SIC ICWC); 01.45

Project duration


Project manager

Vyshpolsky F., KazNUGiM The Republic of Kazakhstan, 484022, Taraz, Kogeildy str., 12


Studies are dedicated to development of measures on water avail­ability increase and irrigated lands salinity control on base of op­timizing irrigation regime parameters and recharge gifts for differ­ent salinity levels of soils and ground water, soil water-salt regime management by vegetation and recharge gifts, drainage outflow from irrigated massifs by reducing load on drainage. Climate is continental. Relief is smooth. Soils - gray desert, heavy loam, saline. Ground water table is 2.3 m (in growing period), to 3.5 g/1 (in non-growing period). EPP area is 70 ha. Open drainage specific length is 45 m/ha, collectors - 20 m/ha, depth - 2.5-3 m. Irrigation network specific length in earthen channel is 20 m/ha. EPP is equipped with measurement and account devices for regu­lar observations. According to results of studies recommendations on soil desalinization rate acceleration and water supply reduction at the expense of replacement of preventive leaching on recharge gifts as well as water consumption norms reduction under aeration zone desalinization depth increase.

Key words

Soil salinity; desalinization; irrigation regime; ground water re­gime; cotton


1. Author - Vyshpolsky F.F. Title - "Reclamation effectiveness of horizontal drainage in Arys-Turkestan canal zone" KazNIIGiM coll. of research papers, 1973 In conditions of multi-layer soils, when filtration coefficients of top deposits are 10 times lower than gravel-pebble deposits inten­sive soil desalinization is provided under irrigation leaching re­gime on the background of horizontal drainage.