Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Assessment of existing collector-drainage network effectiveness, development and introduction of measures on drainage systems efficiency increase.

Project location

Turkmenistan,   Charjow   oblast,   Charjow   rayon,   "Leningrad" collective farm



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Kalantayev V.A., TurkmenNIIGiM Turkmenistan, 744012, Ashkhabad, Ostrovsky str., 30


Studies are dedicated to issue of water, salt, aerial and nutrient re­gimes management on irrigated lands, soil fertility increase, drain­age flow reduction, more effective water resources use on base of regulated drainage use - vertical drains vacuum systems. Climate is continental, dry. Relief is smooth. Soils top layer (1.5-2.5 m)- loam and sandy loam, salinity is about 1% on solid residue, type is sulfate-chloride. Ground water table is 1.2-1.5 m (in spring), 1.8-2.5 g/1 (autumn-winter), salinity 5 g/1. EPP area is 1500 ha (net). Irrigation network - in earthen channel. On plot vacuum drainage system is constructed operating by grav­ity and with forced pumping under disposal of forced wastes. Vertical drains and collectors are made of polyethylene pipes, open collectors are water collectors. Constructed before open horizontal drainage and irrigation leach­ing regime didn't five expected results, seasonal salinization pro­gressed. Multiyear studies of vacuum drainage systems allowed to make conclusion: regulated drainage operation allows to create flexible ground water regime for soil water an salt regime optimization, increase GWT lowering rate, reduce irrigation water expenses for salt leaching from soil, increase soil desalinization rates, create negative salt balance of all aeration zone, and reduce ground water salinity in 10 meter soil thickness, increase irrigated lands fertility and cotton crop yield capacity.

Key words

Vacuum drainage; ground waters; irrigation leaching regime; sa­linity; waterOsalt balance; drainage flow; cotton


1. Author - Kalantayev V. Title - "Irrigated lands drainage and its intensification methods" Ashkhabad "Ylym", 1984 In monograph problems of drainage intensification - the most im­portant mean of irrigated lands salinity control and soil salinity prevention - are considered. Efficiency of drainage of different type - horizontal, vertical, combined - is showed. Description of new drainage systems design is given, developed by the author, their calculation principles, data about introduction of vacuum sys­tems, mobile drainage into production, principles of irrigated lands area zoning according to conditions of new design drains are given.