Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Development of effective vertical drainage schemes on Atbash area by methods of geofiltration modeling.

Project location

The Kyrgyz Republic, Chu oblast, Moscow, Sokuluk, and Atabash rayons  (irrigation  systems of canals  Sovkhozny,  Atabash  and ZBChK).


70.23.39; 28.17.23

Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration 


Project manager

Litvak R.G., KyrgNIIGiM The Kyrgyz Republic, 720055, Bishkek, Toktonaliyev's str., 4.


Studies on pilot plots are dedicated to mathematical modeling approaches of different vertical drainage schemes on the background of new irrigated lands and option of the most effective variants of Atabash area draining. Climate is continental. Relief is plain. Ground water table is from 1-2 m in seepage zone to 3 m in ground water transit zone. Salinity degree is within 0.2-10 g/1, chemical composition - soda, soda-sulfate, sulfate, rarely chloride type. Soils - northern gray desert, meadow, meadow-wetland, salts, solonetz, loess-like loam, semi-loam and heavy loam with sulfate salinity. Gross area of investigated district is 232 th.ha, from them irrigated - 112.6 th. ha, new introduced - 46.9 th.ha., irrigated under reconstruction - 91 th.ha, land use efficiency 0.85. There are 3 irrigation canals on area - Sovkhozny, Atbash and ZBChK. Specific length of irrigation network is 17.5-25.4 m/ha. Area drainability is insufficient. 3 pilot plots are considered: "Manas", "Jangy-Pakhta", "Lesnoye". Salinity of pumped from vertical drainage wells water is less than 1 g/1 on these plots. Carried out studies allowed to emphasize the most effective schemes of drain­age measures to protect new introduced and old irrigated lands under several variants of irrigation development, filtration parameters of aquifer were de­fined, and assessment of reclamation effect under pumping.

Key words

Modeling; vertical drainage


1. Authors - Nemaltzeva E.I., Kaplinsky M.I. Title - "Use of permanently working geofiltration models in information-advising systems of water-economic objects' design" "Perfection of irrigation systems automation", thesis of report on all-union STC in Kherson, M., 1987. Basic provisions are given on use of permanently working geofiltration models in information-advising systems of water-economic objects' de­sign. Results of forecasting ground water table fluctuations and ground water balance components under modeling different variants of irrigation and draining development of irrigation systems of ZBChK, Sovkhozny and Atbash canals in Chu valley are described. Several options of new irrigated lands introduction as well as reconstruction of old lands and 3 options of vertical drainage wells' location and operation are considered. 2.   Authors - Litvak R.K. Title - "Geofiltaration modeling implementation for development of effec­tive ground water withdrawals schemes of reclamation-irrigation func­tion". Collection "Geological services of Kyrgyzstan", Frunze, "Ylym" 1990.