Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Irrigation regime and rice irrigation norm compounds on the back-ground of horizontal drainage on Kazalin irrigated massive.

Project location

The Republic of Kazakhstan, Kzyl-Orda oblast, Kazalin rayon, "XII partsyezd" state farm.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Petrunin V.M., KazNIIGiM The Republic of Kazakhstan, 484022, Taraz, Koigeldy str., 12.


Studies are dedicated to improvement of Syrdarya water resources use, determination of optimal irrigation norm and rice irrigation regime on Kazalin massive, soil salinity control through horizontal drainage and effective irrigation regime. Climate is continental. Relief is undulated plain. Ground water table is 1-3 m, salinity degree is from 3 g/1 on irri­gated plots to 10-20 g/1 in sinks without flow. Drain depth is 1.8-2.0 m. Rice fields of Krasnodar type with area within 13.6-19.8 ha. Rice checks area is 1.5-3.5 ha. Specific length of irrigation canals 54-62 m/ha, release and protec­tive canals 43-48 m/ha. On base of carried out studies the most favorable for rice water and salt soil regime is scientifically grounded under optimal combina­tion of irrigation regime and land drainability degree.

Key words

soils; water-salt balance; irrigation regime; horizontal drainage; rice; effectiveness.


1. Authors - Bazhenov M.G., Sarsenbayev M.Kh. Title - "Regulation of rice systems water-salt regime" Almaty, "Kainar", 1979 Existing methods of water and salt regime management on rice systems lands are considered, their improvement approaches are proposed on base of engineering measures implementation in cor­respondence with modern achievement of science and technique.

2. Authors - Petrunin V.M. et al. Title - "Recommendations on rice irrigation" MM and WM of KazSSR, Kzyl-Orda, 1977. In brochure natural conditions of rice sowing districts are de­scribed, rice agrarian-biological requirements are characterized. Rice irrigation regime is given in details both on non-saline and saline lands, measured values of rice irrigation norms and hydro-modulus are described.