Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Management of irrigated lands water-salt regimes and vertical drainage system operation on rice systems of Kzylkum massive of Chymkent oblast

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Chymkent oblast, Kzylkum massive.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Ikramov R.K., SANIIRI The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Studies of water-salt balances' formation on rice fields and in the whole on large irrigated massive, determination of influence on irrigation water salinity degree increase water consumption, hydro-reclamation systems technical state, and land use level. Climate is continental. Soils - gray desert-meadow, loam, non-saline and slightly saline, sulfate type. Ground water table is 2.2-2.3 m (in spring), 0.8-2.2 m (in summer) and 2.4-2.8 m (in autumn), salinity degree is 1.2-3.8 g/1 and more, sulfate-chloride type. Irrigated area is 45 th.ha (net). Cropping pattern: rice, alfalfa, cereals, and vegetable-forage. Water supply - by Karakum main canal and its distributors. On-farm irrigation network in earthen channel, efficiency 0.6-0.65. Specific length of collectors is 27.5 m/ha. 208 vertical drainage wells were constructed on depth 37-55 m with gravel-sandy screens. According to results of these studies main ways of reducing spe­cific water consumption on rice irrigation systems and rice crop yield capacity increase were defined; complex reconstruction as well as reclamation system reconstruction was recommended to fulfill, it was also advised to increase land use efficiency - by means of elimination of reedy vegetation, and to apply more per­fect design of regulating structures and release network.

Key words

Soils; water-salt regime; vertical drainage; irrigation norm; desali-nization; alfalfa; cereals; vegetable-melon; rice.


Author - Yusupov Sh. Title - "Study of water-salt regime of rice system soils and defini­tion of rice irrigation norm (on example of "Komsomolsky" state farm)" SANIIRI Collection of papers, Tashkent, 1991. Quantitative regularities of common water-salt balance formation and rice irrigation norm water balance formation in present condi­tions were established. Reasons of actual irrigation norms devia­tion from design norms were defined. Calculation methodic of rice • required irrigation norm was developed, it takes into account main impact factors.