Code |
PP00157 |
title |
of irrigated lands water-salt regimes and vertical drainage
system operation on rice systems of Kzylkum massive of Chymkent
oblast |
location |
Republic of Uzbekistan,
Chymkent oblast, Kzylkum massive. |
Rubric |
70.03.15 |
Rubric (SIC ICWC) | |
duration |
1989-1991 |
manager |
R.K., SANIIRI The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent,
Karasu-4, 11 |
Summary |
of water-salt balances' formation on rice fields and in
the whole on large irrigated massive, determination of influence
on irrigation water salinity degree increase water consumption,
hydro-reclamation systems technical state, and land use
level. Climate is continental. Soils - gray desert-meadow,
loam, non-saline and slightly saline, sulfate type. Ground
water table is 2.2-2.3 m (in spring), 0.8-2.2 m (in summer)
and 2.4-2.8 m (in autumn), salinity degree is 1.2-3.8 g/1
and more, sulfate-chloride type. Irrigated area is 45 th.ha
(net). Cropping pattern: rice, alfalfa, cereals, and vegetable-forage.
Water supply - by Karakum main canal and its distributors.
On-farm irrigation network in earthen channel, efficiency
0.6-0.65. Specific length of collectors is 27.5 m/ha. 208
vertical drainage wells were constructed on depth 37-55
m with gravel-sandy screens. According to results of these
studies main ways of reducing specific water consumption
on rice irrigation systems and rice crop yield capacity
increase were defined; complex reconstruction as well as
reclamation system reconstruction was recommended to fulfill,
it was also advised to increase land use efficiency - by
means of elimination of reedy vegetation, and to apply more
perfect design of regulating structures and release network. |
words |
water-salt regime; vertical drainage; irrigation norm; desali-nization;
alfalfa; cereals; vegetable-melon; rice. |
Bibliography |
- Yusupov Sh. Title - "Study of water-salt regime of
rice system soils and definition of rice irrigation norm
(on example of "Komsomolsky" state farm)"
SANIIRI Collection of papers, Tashkent, 1991. Quantitative regularities of common water-salt balance formation
and rice irrigation norm water balance formation in present
conditions were established. Reasons of actual irrigation
norms deviation from design norms were defined. Calculation
methodic of rice • required irrigation norm was developed,
it takes into account main impact factors. |