manager |
Gaipnazarov., SPA SANIIRI
The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent,
Karasu-4/11 |
Summary |
related to study of influence of different natural, organizational
and technical measures on open collector-drainage system
workability decrease; establishment of regularity of collector-drainage
system failure and influence of its workability decrease
on irrigated land reclamation condition indexes. Soils are sierozem-meadow,
slightly and strongly saline.Ground water
depth from 1,5-2 up to 3-4, mineralization - weakly and
strongly saline, sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate type.
plot area -144,02 th.ha Water supply by Dustlik canal.Length of infarm
system in concrete layer and flume is 14,7%, specific length
-24,1 m/ha. Efficiency -0,7-0,73.Collector-drainage
system workability assessment is given on a base of investigation
Taking into
account regularity of collector drainage system workability
and forecasted water-salt calculations the recommendations
on terms and volumes of collector-drainage system treatment
in Gulistan rayon are developed which allow provide the
optimal soil water salt regime and crop harvest increase. |
Bibliography |
- N. GaipnazarovTitle - “ Investigation
of regularity of open collector-drainage system workability
failure in old irrigated zone of Syrdarya oblast”, SANIIRI,
of drainage system workability is given on a base of field
and laboratory investigations. |