Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Furrow irrigation technique and technology on subsiding soils in Karshi steppe

Project location

Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya oblast, Kasan rayon, state farm 52



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

E.Zhigareva, Uzgiproveliovodkhoz Uzbekistan, 700011, Tashkent, Navoy str.44


Study is devoted to land uneven subsidence under field surface moistening, providing even of subsiding deformation on new developed irrigated lands and cost reduction for field preparation. Climate is continental. Relief is hilly. Soils-sierozems, sandy-loam. Ground water level is more than 10 m; brackish sulfate-chloride. Irrigated area is 1.5ha. Water supply is implemented by earthen  canals,   irrigator efficiency 0.87-0.89; drainage network is closed. Recommendations are developed on subsiding soil irrigation with maximum evenness of field moistening

Key words

Irrigation network, irrigation technique, furrow, cotton


Authors: N.Luchinin, A.Drobot Title: "Study of furrow irrigation technique and technology on subsiding soils in Karshi steppe", Sredazgiprovodkhlopok, 1987 Different furrow irrigation technique and technology influence on field surface deformation on subsiding soils. Recommendations are given on different modifications of irrigation system.