Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study and development of cotton furrow irrigation technique and technology optimal parameters in zone of middle and strongly sub-sidient loess soils.

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Khatlon oblast, Jilikul rayon, "XII partsyezd" state farm.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Komilov O.K., TadjNIIGiM The Republic of Tadjikistan, 734001, Dushanbe, Shamsi, 5/1


Studies are dedicated to development and introduction of gradual irrigation development technological processes of middle and strongly subsidient loess soils with different relief conditions to achieve sustainable agricultural crop yields since the first year of development. EPP is located on the area of Garaut gorge, in southwest part of Tadjikistan, in Vakhsh river lower reaches. Soils - gray desert, loess sandy loam with silt particles 70-98%, middle and strongly subsidient, saline. Ground water salinity degree is 6-8 g/1. EPP area is 121 ha (net) Water supply - over transporting pipelines from zonal canals, and in furrows - from irrigation siphons. Control plot - after fulfilling capital zoning and construction of closed irrigation network with structures on prepared beforehand base. During studies technological development process of loess soils with unsustainable texture with different relief conditions that pro­vides reliable reclamation structures protection from damage under uneven subsidient deformations of irrigated field surface, mainte­nance of high land use efficiency and wetting uniformity along furrow length and obtaining sustainable agricultural crop yields in the first years of development.

Key words

Furrow irrigation; irrigation technique; cotton


1.   Author - Komilov O.K. Title - "Gradual development of subsidient areas" Dushanbe, edition of Tadjik Agrarian University, 1994 In monograph on base of theoretical developments and generalizations of experimental-production studies rich material on irrigation develop­ment of areas with loess subsidient soils elements of furrow irrigation technique with uneven subsidient deformations of irrigated field surface are interrelated for the first time. Recommendations on option of irriga­tion technique elements rational values providing high coefficient of wetting evenness along furrow length both for period of main deforma­tions occurring (first 3-5 years) and after stabilization of water-physical qualities of soils are given. Complex of technological development processes of loess areas with unsustainable texture with smooth and middle complexity micro-relief of irrigated field surface and soil subsi­dence unevenness is developed to obtain agricultural production at the very beginning of irrigation land development. New, disparate depth of closed irrigation network location is proposed.