Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Investigations of regularities of open horizontal drainage efficiency reduction and its influence on indices of reclamative conditions of irrigated lands (old zone of Hungry Steppe).

Project location

The rep. of Uzbekistan, SyrDarya oblast. 



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

N. Gaipnazarov, SANIIRI

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187,Tashkent,  Karasu-4/11


Investigations related to study of influence various natural and technical-organizational factors on open collector drainage system efficiency reduction, establishment of regularities of collector drainage system failures and its influence on indices of reclamative conditions of irrigated lands.  Soils are sierozem-meadow, slightly and medium saline. Ground water depth from 1,5-2 to 3-4m, slightly and strongly saline, sulfate-chloride and chloride-sulfate type.Experimental plot area is 144,02 ha. Water supply through Dustlik canal. On-farm net length in concrete lining and flume -14,7% , specific length -24,1 m/ha, efficiency -0,7-0,73.Horizontal drainage specific length -28,6 m/ha, drainage depth -1,93-2,66m.

Assessment of collector drainage system (CDS) efficiency is given. Taking into account regularities of CDS efficiency reduction and predicted calculations of water salt balance, recommendations on terms and volumes of CDS cleaning in Gulistan rayon are developed.   

Key words

collector drainage system;  maintenance; safety


Authors - N. GaipnazarovTitle -"Investigations of regularities of open CDS failures in old irrigation zone of SyrDarya oblast"

Assessment of drainage system operation by means of methods of mathematical statistics and theory of probability is given on base of field and laboratory investigations.