Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Production study of irrigation regime and irrigations technology efficiency using of sprinkling at saline lands of ''Pakhtaaral" state farm.

Project location:

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya oblast, state farm №3


70.21.35; 70.21.33

Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration

1980 - 1983

Project Manager

V.D. Bibik, Uzgipromeliovodkhoz (Sredazgiprovodkhozkhlopok)

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700011, Tashkent, Navoyi, 44


Goal of investigations is determination of irrigations methods optimum alternatives  (surface, furrow, sprinkling) on basis of  existing experience of reclamation and irrigation of non-tilled lands under conditions of clayey sand gypseferous soils with high water  permeability.In this connection the investigations were implemented in two directions: first- development and control under production conditions of technological irrigation schemes for surface with slopes of 0,008 and less; second - the same, with slopes more than 0,008.  Climate is sharply continental. Relief is wavy, compound.Soils are made of mainly light sierozem, sierozem-takir and meadow-takir alkali soils, texture is clayey-dusty, slightly loamy, here and there medium loamy and dusty-sand. Under irrigation the soils is exposed to irrigation erosion and subsidence.  Area is not protected from wind erosion.Ground waters are slightly mineralized at a depth more than 10 m, salt composition is sulphate-chloride. Plot area is 50 ha.Irrigations of cotton is implemented by flexible hoses on furrows, of vegetables -by rigid aluminum pipelines, of ancillary farming - by "Voljanka" sprinkling aggregate.  As a result of investigations it was determined that:- land irrigations by flexible hoses in plastered and subjected to irrigation erosion soils are available under maintenance of recommended technical and technological regulations:- rigid irrigations pipelines can be used as irrigations one, as transporting one, that allow to avoid constant plot sprinkler construction.- irrigations by "Voljanka" sprinkling aggregate under existing natural-climatic conditions are not effective.

Production recommendations are given.

Key words

soil moisture; irrigations on furrows; water outlet; irrigations technique; irrigation

Hoses; pipelines; irrigation depth; cotton; vegetable crops.


1. Authors: N. G. Luchinin, R. A. Gubaidullin  Title: “ Development and study of technological irrigation schemes of clayey sand gypseferous  soils of Karshi steppe"SRE Report, Tashkent, Sredazgiprovodkhlopok, 1984

Principal technological irrigations schemes of clayey sand gypseferous soils of Karshi  steppe. Recommendations on soil irrigation technique under gypseferous horizon depth  0,8-2m  with flexible hoses application by reduced irrigation norms for short term and  by increasing quantity of gifts are given .