Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study of drip irrigation low pressure system technique and tech-nology in Tadjikistan

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Varzob rayon, "Komintern" state farm.


70.21.31; 70.21.33; 70.21.35

Rubric (SIC ICWC); 01.30.03

Project duration


Project manager

Nurmatov N.K., Tadjik Agrarian University The Republic of Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaky av., 146


Studies are dedicated to development of universal drip system with simplified designs of distributor and irrigator and micro-inlets op­erating under low pressure, which is formed at the expense of slope of place, under irrigation water turbidity to 2 g/1 and parti­cles' largeness to 0.5 mm providing uniform water allocation over irrigation area. EPP natural conditions are typical for central and south-east part of Tadjikistan. Relief is cut by slopes. Soils - brown carbonate, semi-loam. EPP irrigated area is 1 ha. Control plot - furrow irrigation. In result of studies low pressure drip network (LPDN) workability was revealed. Water distribution evenness to irrigation devices and droppers, uniform field wetting with minimal financial and other costs, irri­gation water saving, and LPDN system reliability were scientifi­cally and practically grounded.

Key words

drip irrigation systems; water inlet; irrigation systems' elements


1. Authors - Nurmatov N.K., Saifulloyev Т., Kurbonov R., Sidorov S.M. Title - "Temporary guideline on design, construction and operation of low pressure drip system "Tadjikistan- 1" (BCH-04-87)" Tadjikgyprovodkhoz, Minvodkhoz of TadSSR, 1987. Low pressure drip system application conditions, structure and main elements, area arrangement and location schemes, irrigation technology and regime, order of hydraulic calculation and design, technology of system production, construction and operation.