Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Irrigation technique and technology on subsidient soils of sloping lands on south of the Republic of Uzbekistan

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Kashkadarya oblast, Kasansay rayon, farm #52


70.21.33; 70.21.35

Rubric (SIC ICWC); 01.30.03

Project duration


Project manager

Kambarov B.F, SPA SANIIRI The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Karasu-4, 11


Studies are dedicated to irrigation water unproductive losses reduc­tion during irrigation, prevention of subsidience and suffusion un­der new lands irrigation, water-land resources productivity in­crease in specific conditions of lands inclined to suffusion, and ecological situation improvement. Climate is continental. Soils - light loam and sandy loam with gypsum content, subsidient. EPP area - 105 ha (net). Irrigation network - concrete flumes, efficiency 0.9. EPP is equipped with measurement devices. During process of studies agrarian-technical approaches of pre­venting subsidience and suffusion as well as furrow irrigation technique and technology and constructive elements of irrigation network with irrigation devices for specific conditions of subsidi­ent soils were perfected. Set of measures on preventing subsidience and suffusion under irrigation on hardly reclaimed lands was developed.

Key words

irrigation regime; irrigation technique; soil erosion; cotton crop


1. Authors - Kambarov B.F. Title - "Irrigation technique and technology" Tashkent, 1988. In monographs results of field studies of perfect irrigation ap­proaches in pre-mountain and hilly cotton production zone are given.