Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Study of water saving efficiency and economical grounding of ir­rigation technique on long

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Djizak oblast, Arnasay rayon, Jukov's state farm #14a





Project duration


Project manager

Efremkina L.V., "Uzgypromeliovodkhoz" (Sredazgypro-vodkhlopok) The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700011, Tashkent, Navoyi str., 44


Studies are dedicated to prevention of unproductive water losses, reduction of negative phenomena under irrigation on high perme­able soils, increase of wetting uniformity, reduction of irrigation duration under maintaining positive qualities traditionally applied irrigation schemes. Plot relief - undulated surface. According to hydrological aspect - area of limited ground water inflow and outflow with unstable water table and regime depend­ing on local conditions. Ground water salinity 10-20 g/1, salinity type is sulfate-chloride. Soils - salty sandy loam, gray clayer sands, and more seldom loess loam with high gypsum content. EPP area is 1 ha. Irrigation water is supplied from flume canal. Irrigation methods: cotton crop - on furrows, alfalfa - on stripes with cutting shallow furrows. In result of studies recommendations on technological schemes and agricultural crop irrigation technique on high permeable soils were developed.

Key words

Irrigation systems; water losses; irrigation technique; cotton crop; alfalfa


1. Authors - Luchinin N.G., Chaplygin S.I., Kadyrov A. Title - "Development of technological schemes and agricultural crop irrigation technique on high permeable soils" Report about NIR for 1980-1982, Sredazgyprovodkhlopok, Tash­kent, 1983 Optimal irrigation schemes and technique on high permeable soils are given according to results of studies in state farms #14, 14a, and 16 in Hunger steppe.