Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Cotton irrigation with magneto-activated saline water

Project location

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat oblast, Tedjen rayon, collective farm "Pravda"



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

O.Nazarmamedov, TurkmenNIIGiM, Turkmenistan, 744012, Ashgabat, Ostrovskyi str.,30


Research is devoted to study of irrigation water physical-technical properties changes under magnetic field impact; biologically -activated by magnetic field water influence on cotton yield capacity and soil water-physical properties. Climate is continental. Relief-flat plain with slope to north-west. Soils-meadow-takir; structure-loam and sandy loam. Ground water level is 2.4-3.5 m, salinity 10-20 g/l, type is chloride-sulfate. Total area gross is 25ha, net-24ha. Irrigation network is in earthen channel, efficiency is 0.8-0.85. Open collector-drainage network with depth 3.5-4.0m; specific extent is 20 m/ha. Plot is equipped with water and salt measurement means as well as magnetic unit for water activation YMO-1000-75. As result of study effectiveness of magneto-activated water use for cotton irrigation and forage crops was found. Recommendations for practical application are given.

Key words

Irrigation water, water quality, magneto-activated water, cotton, forage crops


Author: O.Nazarmamedov, Title: "Magneto-activated water use in reclamation" Modern physical methods of water system activation are analyzed. Magnetic units applied for irrigation water activation are described. Experience of magneto-activated water use for saline soil leaching in Murgab and Tedjen oasis is presented. System analysis of magneto-activated water pH and gas composition changes. Effectiveness of magneto-activated water with various salinity application for cotton and forage crops is shown.