Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Assessment of technical state of existing irrigation systems of Vakhsh valley

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Kurgantube oblast.



Rubric (SIC ICWC)


Project duration


Project manager

Khalikov A.Kh., Tadjik University of Agriculture The Republic of Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaky av., 146


Studies are dedicated to assessment of technical state of existing irrigation systems of Vakhsh valley, situation of available irrigated areas productivity increase in quantitative and time value, on base of analysis of present situation and its development forecast in fu­ture taking into account agricultural production per capita, defini­tion of necessary costs for implementation of reclamation meas­ures complex required for irrigated lands fertility increase. Vakhsh valley is located in the south-west part of Tadjikistan and represents inter-mountain depression. Valley relief is formed by flowing waters activity. Ground waters are saline, sulfate-chloride-sodium type. Irrigated area - 235.9 th.ha. In Vakhsh valley 10 irrigation systems with permanent irrigation and collector-drainage network function. Carried out studies gave technical assessment of irrigated lands reclamation state. Types of reconstruction and prospects of irriga­tion systems technical level increase as well as irrigated lands fer­tility increase were defined.

Key words

Irrigation systems; water use; irrigation technique, efficiency.


1. Authors - Khalikov A.Kh. Title - "To the issue of feasibility study of sloping plots develop­ment under irrigated farming in the Republic of Tadjikistan" TUA edition, Dushanbe, 1996 In one of the largest division of this paper ways of increasing available irrigated lands productivity in valley parts were given. Technical assessment of irrigated lands reclamation state and sys­tems reconstruction types were described.