Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Fine-size fibre cotton crop irrigation regime in system of all the -year round land use on the far south-west of Tadjikistan

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Khatlon oblast, Kumsangyr rayon, "Communism" collective farm



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

Akramov A., Tadjik Agricultural University (hydro-reclamation faculty) The Republic of Tadjikistan, Dushanbe, Rudaky av., 146..


Studies are dedicated to determination of optimal fine-fibre cotton crop irrigation regime providing maximum and qualitative first type fibre raw-cotton of crop yield with the lowest irrigation water expenses in connection with irrigation regimes of inter-crops. EPP is located in the south-west part of Vakhsh valley. Climate is continental. Soil - mostly light gray soil and gray-meadow soil. Soil thickness 0-100 cm is non-saline. Ground waters are deep. EPP area - 4 ha. Irrigation network - in earthen channel. In result of studies it is established that under cotton crop cultiva­tion the main important factor is active soil layer humidity in con­ditions of all the year round land use. Development and realization of optimal irrigation regime (70-70-60% NH) provided 4.268±0.05 t/ha raw-cotton crop yield that is 0.93 t/ha more than on control plot. Specific irrigation water ex­penses were 25 m3/t that is 15% less than control plot expenses

Key words

irrigation regime; water balance; cotton crop


1. Authors - Akramov A., Martynenko G.N.. Title - "Cotton crop water saving irrigation regime in conditions of the south-west part of Tadjikistan" Thesis of All-union scientific conf. "Increase of water resources use efficiency in agriculture", part 2, Novocherkassk, NIMI, 1989 Studies results are generalized on optimizing cotton crops irriga­tion regime, water discharge per production unit, and water saving during irrigation period. 2. Authors - Akramov A., Yuldashev A.Y. Title - "Total cotton crop water consumption in conditions of Vakhsh valley" Collection of scientific papers of Tadjic Agriculture Institute, v.31, "Issues of reclamation and reclamation construction", Dushanbe, 1977 Results of studies are given on total cotton crop consumption and establishing its relation with air humidity deficit.