Knowledge Base

Identification code


Project title

Investigation of winter wheat irrigation regime on typical sierozems of Tashkent oasis

Project location

The Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent oblast, Yngiul rayon, “Tinchlik” farm. 



Rubric (SIC ICWC)

Project duration


Project manager

F. M. Rahimbaev., TIIIMSX

The Republic of Uzbekistan, 700187, Tashkent, Kary-Niyazov 39


The goal of investigations was to define the efficient application of different irrigation regimes and water consumption of winter wheat on typical sierozems which provides high crop yield under water saving and supports favorable reclamation regime.Climate is dry and sharply continental. Relief is hilly. Soils are homogeneous loess-like loam, non-saline. Ground water level is 5-10m. Irrigated area is 1968,1 ha. Land use efficiency - 0,78. Experimental plot area is 5 ha. Irrigation system in earth channel, its efficiency - 0,68-0,73. Plot is equipped by water account means. In result of investigations the winter wheat irrigation regimes were developed which allow irrigated fields and irrigation water productivity increase and provide water saving. 

Under furrow irrigation with soil moisture kept before irrigation in designed layers at level of 70-70-60% favorable crops development is observed. In this connection during spring period three irrigations (2-1-0) by irrigation norm 660-980 m3/ha as well as irrigation depth 1100m3/ha after sowing were conducted; irrigation norm 3700 m3/ha. Recommendations to farm are given. 

Key words

irrigation regime; irrigation depth; crop yield; pre-irrigation moisture; water consumption; winter wheat


Authors - A.B. UrazkeldievTitle - “Investigation of winter wheat irrigation regime on typical sierozems of Tashkent oasis”TIIIMSX, Tashkent, 1996

The results of field investigations of winter wheat growing and development are described in this report.