Knowledge Base

Identification Code


Project title

Irrigation regime of medium fibre  cotton crop on stony soils of Leninabad oblast.

Project location

The Republic of Tadjikistan, Khojent rayon, Lenin's collective farm.


70.21.33; 70.03.11

Rubric (SIC ICWC);

Project duration


Project manager

Domullojanov Kh.D.., TadjNII of Agriculture, Gyssar rayon, vil. Sharora


Studies are dedicated to development and optimization of cotton crop water-nutrient regime providing high, stable, and qualitative raw-cotton crop yields under effective use of water, nutrient and other resources, improvement of planning and management of on-farm water use, development of scientifically based recommendations on water-nutrient regime of cotton crop and water use management improvement.Climate of north Tadjikistan is characterized by high daily and seasonal fluctuations of temperature, intense solar radiation, air dryness, and low cloudiness.Soil is gray brown, strongly stony. Irrigated area - 10 ha.Irrigation network is open in earthen channel, its efficiency - 0.72-0.85EPP is equipped with measurement and account means.Studies found out that with increase of total water consumption from 5.5 to 7.5 th.m3/ha raw-cotton crop yield increases from 1.0 to 3.3 t/ha, and further water consumption increase doesn't result in substantial crop yield variation.

It is proved that in conditions of gray brown stony soils of north Tadjikistan optimal irrigation regime for medium fibre cotton crop is irrigation according to soil humidity at least 75-80-60% of normal water capacity, and fertilizers norms should be differentiated depending on nutrients concentration in soil. It is also necessary to establish 250-350 kg  nitrogen, 100-350 kg phosphor, and 100-150 kg potassium per 1 ha. Such combination of irrigation with fertilization provides 3.3-3.6 t/ha raw-cotton.

Key words

cotton; fertilizer; irrigation regime; water consumption; crop yield capacity


Author - Domullojanov Kh.D.Title - "Efficiency of irrigation combination with fertilizing cotton crop in Tadjikistan"Review information, PTI, 1973.

This review generalizes experimental and production regarding efficiency combination of irrigation with fertilizing norms under cotton crop.